Hello, I am an ex JW in the Air Force, just wondering if anyone else was involved in the service after they escaped the cult.
Just wondering, anyone here in or used to be in the military?
by danfromma 5 Replies latest jw friends
For a while before I became a JW - army
I was in the army when it was a legal requirement to do your 2years conscription I was one of the last to be called up, they then abandoned conscription altogether. did my 6weeks training at Maidstone (Kent) then moved onto Shorncliffe. It was in this transfer that someone swapped mattresses when I was out, I was subsequently charged This is a long story but it allowed me to work my ticket and beat the army at there silly game. Instead of the 2 years mandatory period I did 8 months .This was a court martial offence to do this.
On a previous occasion I was charged with MUTINY, this was because the battalion was on strategic reserve and they thought that I was inciting the battalion not to do the harsh training!!! All this was before I became a witness, On reflection I think the army was the better choice.
I did 21 years in the USAF and retired as a LTC. I was never in the cult, but my wife was a member during the last 15 years of my service. She was and is a full time Pioneer and one of the "annointed".
Well sir, I've been in 9. I'm at Ramstein right now, CE guy.
I went in the Army a few months after my disassociation from the Borg