Just wanted to let you all know about my phone call to my mom. She was telling me how upset she is that all three of her kids no longer are active JW's. I could no longer keep quite and I told her how upset am that she still is an active JW. I don't know what made me do it. I spoke to her for about half an hour, and told her about the UN and the change in doctrine etc. Told her that I could not believe that a loving God would distroy so may people just because they didn't want to open the door on a Sunday morning to JW. She told me that she doesn't acctualy believe that everyone that is not a JW will be killed at armagedon. She said that Jah will judge us by our heart conditions. She is still very much "in" but at least I planted the seeds of doubt. Hopefully she will keep an open mind. I also said that I would understand if she wanted to report me to the elders and that I would understand if she felt she could no longer speak to me. Her answer was that she is my mother and she will speak to me when ever she wanted to. She also said that she is not part of the mafia and does not see why she should tell the elders anything. It felt good to speak to her. She asked me if I got my info on the internet, which makes me think that there have been a lot of pressure from the elders not to look into JW history on the net. I have spoken to her a few times since then but have not mentioned any more JW related info. I think she needs time to digest what I told her. Hope she has a few questions for me in the near future!
Told my JW mom
by Mrs Smith 9 Replies latest jw experiences
Thats good news. Keep us posted.
Greetings Mrs. Smith,
She told me that she doesn't acctualy believe that everyone that is not a JW will be killed at armagedon
It's amazing how if you get to engage an active JW to thinking outside the Watchtower bunk such as you've done with your mom, comments, like the above ones are made. Active JW's are not used to hearing or reasoning on behalf of their own belief system. When, as you've done, told her you cannot believe God would destroy everyone who refuses to take the Watchtower, it confounds them. I've had the same exact types of comments told to me.
I told someone recently that praying for God's (Watchower version) Kingdom to come here on earth, equals them praying for 1000 Tsunami's and 1000 Hurricane Katrina's. His reply, " Ya, I know but I don't really believe that." The point is they get so wrapped up in parroting the same things over and over again, many are unaware of just what they believe in, and what they're praying for.
IMO you did good in reasoning with your mom the way you did. Perhaps you've given her some "food for thought".
I like your analogy Dis. If people really stop to think about what it is they're hoping for, they may realize how cruel it is.
I like your analogy Dis. If people really stop to think about what it is they're hoping for, they may realize how cruel it is.
Your conversation with your Mom sounds really promising.
Give her time and she may be open to hearing more of your thoughts.
After all, she didn't become a die hard dub in a day, it may take her awhile to see the light.
Mrs Smith
There was so much more I wanted to say but did not want to scare her away. I would love to sit down with her and have a good face to face chat. She live about 1200 km away so I will have to wait a while before that happens.
When I told my mother in law my doubts she also admitted doubts and then got to feeling guilty and almost retracted everything but over the past year or more we have had so good conversations and when I visit I make a point when the subject comes up to show her something from the publications that is manipulation of the truth.
Such as the back page of the Jan 2006 WT (Angeles on the cover) the back page is about discovery of artifacts with Gods name on them, but it states fall of Jerusalem in 607BCE, as if the article being discussed stated this. I went on line did search on the artifacts name, found article and NY Times article and clearly stated 586 BCE was dated quoted. I just said what would have been wrong with leaving the date out if they did not agree but to input a date that is clearly not in the articles amounts to lying to me and God does not lie.
Same with an article in first part of a WT last year all about Russell being so intent of examining the scriptures and mentioned Henry Grews Six Sermons and the article made it sound as if he did not support immortality of the soul in agreement with Russell but when you look up the Six Sermons he was stating when one dies he does not go to hell and be tormented but since the sinner does not confess Christ he is just dead and nothing more, all other believers go to heaven. I printed out the portion of the Six Sermons and showed her along with the WT, (which I wish I would have kept as I cant remember which one it was), again it showed her the twisting of truth.
She has gone from remaining quite and using age and health reason for not attending meetings anymore, to now wanting to DA herself as she feels like a hypocrite, which really surprised me. She also has had issues with the sexual preditors and blood issue always changing.
I asked her if any one delivered the Sept KM with the important "save this" Blood insert and she said No and just shook her head as it all seems such a farce. She is in her 80's now and admited this visit she had questions many years ago but felt all in all JWs were still better than most religions, however our discussion on everyone but JW's dying at the big A was just not right and she feels disfellowshipping is wrong and not loving. Now that she has not been at meeting for sometime she can separate God from the WTS and knows she can have a personal relationship with her God outside of the four walls of the Kingdom Hall.
So never give up hope and share the untruths in the publications, (fight fire with fire). I told her once I would go to a meeting if I could pick up a WT and not find a twisting of the truth from sources that they quote. Try it you will be amazed there will always be some article study or misc. article that they will manipulate the real truth.
Love & Peace,
Congrats MS, from your mothers reply it may help her to see, that those few little comments MAY be considered apostasy already and as much as she prefers to be in, the elders may see it different if they knew her feelings on those matters. Elders do not like being taken lightly when it comes to their authority.
johnny cip
sHERI: EXCELLENT post'; just researching most any qouted references the wt uses. will prove the people that write the mag's are straight out liars. this is very important, most likely the most important fact. for any honest jw. the wt lies and misquotes references dozens of times every week. once you look up one or two you find , your dealing with LIARS. ANY HONEST PERSON HATES A LIAR. and the wt does it . every other paragraph. that how i learned the wt was full of crap. just by testing a few references. it all started by looking up " MILLIONS NOW WILL NEVER DIE " 1919. I'M SURPRISED. NEXT TO NO ONE HERE GRABBED ON THIS GREAT POST . AND DIDN'T RUN WITH IT. my heavy research days are over. because i know it all. BUt Sheri showed the easist way to prove to an active jw's that the wts. are liars. i'ts simple and you don't need the bible , or and great knowlegde. just some research. shit i never met one jw that even read any 1920's wt or looked up one reference. the wt quoted from ie. the new york times. etc. it's a joke to take a trip to the public library and look up , most anything the wt quotes. it will make even the most die hard jw's think... john