I haven't seen this posted yet and just bumped into it. Sorry if it's already on here somewhere:
Suicide and Jehovah's Witnesses Blog Article
by Hoping4Change 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I have not read this whole article.
My daughter had two overdoses at 17,
If I had shunned her and not helped her
she would be dead.
Thank you so very much for posting this.
Dear Hoping,
Welcome to the board! Thanks for posting that article. Yes, Suicide is a very large problem among Jehovah's Witnesses and the writer of the blog brought out a good point. And that is when a jdub feels all else is lost, they will take their chances on being resurrected again by taking their own life. Many times the jdubs feel they cannot hold up to the enormous wieght put upon them by the society and rather than thinking that the society is wrong, they believe somehow THEY have fallen short of what God himself requires of them. They see no other way out but to end thier lives and trust that God will have pity on them and bring them back in the resurrection.
It really is very heartbreaking. In one congregation I was in, a young mother of three killed herself while her husband was at work and within full view of the children ages 2,4, and 9 months old! I knew another sister who while studying tried to kill herself by setting the families Christmas tree on fire. She felt so bad about doing the holidays and thought she offended God so much that she rather set fire to the tree and home and kill herself in the process so that she could be resurrected. There are many thousands of stories just like this and I am sure we all know of someone who has comitted suicide in the WT. It is very sad and I pray every day for the Jdubs release from spiritual captivity.
Thanks again for posting this. This is an issue that needs to be addressed a lot more. Peace, Lilly
Please correct me if i am wrong, but i thought suidide is a sin to Jws and you will not be ressurected for takings your own life.
please forgive me if the question is too blunt! No offence is intended!
tall penguin
Thanks for posting this.
I remember my suicidal days as a jw. My thinking went something like this:
"If I kill myself and jehovah forgives me, then cool, I'll be resurrected and live forever. If he doesn't then I won't be conscious of his decision anyways. I win either way."
tall penguin -
My mother committed suicide 23 years ago by drug overdose. She was severely depressed . My husband and I always feel that the religion played a big part in her illness as she never felt she was good to serve Jehovah( actually the org!). The elders were aware she had committed suicide but they still held a memorial service for her in the congregation and the sisters put together a luncheon which was served at the KH after the service. I am not sure if that would be allowed now, but I always found our congregation at that time to be much more free thinking than others, not sure why, I suppose it was the people who attended.
Madame Quixote
So sorry, lillybird. so sad for you. so sorry.