Ontario, Canada opposer community?

by CharlieBrownsLovelyDaughter 9 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • CharlieBrownsLovelyDaughter

    I was going to say Apostate. LOL

    Is the anyone here who is a member of the JW-opposer communtiy in Ontario, Canada?

    A year ago on another Forum I mentioned Letters Of Agreement that are drafted between a treatment centre and a JW family that facilitate receipt of a blood transfusion for a dependant child without requiring legal recourse. The LOAs have been used in Ontario and Alberta with success.

    Oh yeah ... with the knowledge and cooperation of the WTB&TS in Gergetown, too.

    The argument from a JW who posts by the handle of Warp, is that the he would know of these LOAs b/c the ON apostates would be all over them like bees on honey, and sense there are no bees ... there are no such beasts as LOAs.

    Anyone here from Ontario? Anyone here familiar with these LOAs?

  • Scully

    As a health care professional working in Ontario, I would be very interested to hear more about these LOAs.


  • CharlieBrownsLovelyDaughter

    As a colleague in AB, I am happy to share what I know to increase the profile of/exposure to LOAs so that they are available to every JW family.

    Check your email.

  • mouthy

    I am known as the chief Apostate in Ontario .... ( so I have been told) I have not heard of the above.... Would like to though. More info if you have ....


  • CharlieBrownsLovelyDaughter


    Warp was right ... "no one" in ON knows about them. The first one that I am am aware of was facilitated in ON a number of years ago. I was involved in one here > 1 yr ago.

    I sent info to Scully. I am open to an expanded dialogue off the baord.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    Don't be shy. You are probably one the chief apostates in all of Canada.

    I haven't heard of it either. And I'm in Ontario along with Scully and Mouthy/Grace.

  • mouthy


    Don't be shy. You are probably one the chief apostates in all of Canada.

    Brooklyn Brothers> Dont believe everything you read. I am just a little old lady sitting in my room

    I love you all!!! I wouldnt do a thing against the Watchtower....I just tell it as you taught me...

    You did say we dont have to tell the truth to those who dont deserve it ....didnt you???So I continue doing just that...

    LEE!!!! watch it kiddo, an excuircit servant told me "some one new coming into the "truth" might feel he is serving Jehovah to bump me off !!!!!!! SSSH!!!!! LOL ( as if I care (((HUGS)))

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    I'm from Ontario and haven't heard of these LOAs. Then again, I've never worked in the medical or health profession.

  • Uzzah

    I know of no such "Letters" per se. However I do know of some JW parents who have told doctors that they realize that the hospital could apply for temporary custody, so they may as well transfuse rather than incurring the emotional turmoil of the court system. Some doctors have required a signed statement but not always, especially during a crisis (bleeding out).

    It is how some JW parents live to the letter of the law yet still allow the transfusion to take place. they can tell the elders they fought the transfusion but the hospital took custody. I heard of one case where a JW parent actually offered to sign over temporary custody of their child for the duration of the surgery and recovery period without it ever going to court.

    The above are RARE instances and are in no way to be interpretted as a trend (as nice as that would be). Is it something that could be fostered? Certainly. It all depends on how much they love their Organization as opposed to their children.

    Another example of how the "don't ask, don't tell" mindset is of use to thinking/feeling JW's.


  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Welcome to the forum!! We are glad to have you here!


    Lady Liberty

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