Judge Rutheford on You Tube

by cabasilas 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cabasilas

    Watch the record spin and the Judge preach:


  • Wild_Thing

    Wow! That was interesting! It was only posted on youtube a few hours ago! I can't believe people use to tote those around for people to listen to him at their door. I kept listening for him to mention a date, other than soon, soon, soon! But he didn't. Good thing it is only 4-something minutes long, I don't think I could handle listening to any more of it.

    I looked up the username, "judgerutherford", and he has one other video posted of an old "gramaphone" record. It is of some man singing a "kingdom" song and he includes the riddle: "singing kingdom songs on my 78 windup gramaphone, who is it, i know but want you to guess who it is, the clue is, he was a famous film star" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moGIzofUmfc

    I could only listen to the first few seconds of it before my stomach started turning and I shut it off, but I am curious as to who it is. Anybody care to take a stab? Obviously a male, I think he is American, and evidently a famous film star in the 30s to 50s era.

    I hope after all this wondering, it is somebody I have actually heard of before.

  • Dagney

    Eeeeeewwww...gives me the shivers.

    We used to have those albums.

  • looking_glass

    My grand parents us to do that and my mom still has the old records and box Victrola

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    So, how'd that whole 'the sky is falling" thing work out for Da Judge?

  • VM44

    Download the video using this link:


    Rename the downloaded file using the ".flv" extension. (It is a Flash Video file). Then use a flash video player to watch it.


  • VM44

    The 2nd video can be downloaded using this link:


    Again, rename the downloaded file with the ".flv" extension.


  • cabasilas

    It came from an ebay listing. Who is the mystery singer?

  • proplog2

    This is a reminder of how long this whole things has been going on.

  • cabasilas

    Could the mystery singer be Eddie Cantor? Seems like Seems like there was a JW rumor he had been a JW. Perhaps he never was but recorded a song or two for them which started the rumor? Just a guess.

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