i am doing ok.....

by airwlk149 3 Replies latest jw experiences

  • airwlk149

    hi everyone,
    i just re-read all my previous posts and reply's... amazing stuff! it makes me laugh... no one ever replied to one of my posts... it's lost somewhere under the main room. oh well. i am doing good. i turn 18 on october 12th, so i am thrilled. i saw my mom today for the first time since i left. had to stop and get my mail and some stuff i had ledt there. she was acting like nothing happened. she really want sme to keep studying and going to the meetings. i don't know.... she still thinks my friends are going to study and i can tell they don't want to. they were only doing it so they could see me. so we'll see... i got a new job! makes me happy! i am the lead infant teacher now at a local preschool (children's world). i am excited, mainly because i'll be making money (i haven't had a job for a month) and soon i can get my own place to live. like i said i have been living at my "issue's" house. she doesn't mind, actually it's been wonderful, but i wouldn't mind having permenet address. she doesn't like the thought of me leaving, niether do i, and wants me to stay. we'll see...
    all of my jw's friends having been calling... that's another post waiting to happen for me.... lol. ok- well, just wanted to say thank you for all of your encouraging replies...... you'll hear from me soon i am sure...


    thanks for reading! :)

  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    Just letting you know I'm rooting for you - I put a little message for you on your I MOVED OUT post.......

    Keep going Katie.... stay strong.

  • Simon

    Glad things are going well for you. Sorry I missed your other post

  • ZazuWitts

    Happy to learn you found a job. You sound excited about it, and I say, "Good for you, Katie." If you can stay where you are at for a while, perhaps you'll be able to put a little money aside, then when you do get your own place, you will be all the better off...just a thought. :) Keep us updated, ok.

    I thought it was interesting that when you returned to Mom's house to pick up your mail, etc., she acted like nothing had happened. Puzzling, eh? - but I've seen that reaction too, when they want to deny the real situation. You sound like a strong, determined young woman, who wants to make her own choices, and that's the way it should be. Find your own path and follow it...set goals and go about achieving them.

    Oh, yes, hope you have a very happy birthday!

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