About three weeks ago. I was helping a lady at work. So I wasn't thinking about JW's or anything, When she leaves, she leaves me a tract, I get them all the time in my line of work so I wasn't paying attention. When I took my break, I looked at the tract, and it was about JW's. Now what is odd about this I live in a very small town of about 200 or so in eastern Kansas, The closest KH is about 50 miles or so if not farther away. I would have all kinds of encounters of them when I lived in Tn, But this is farm country.
They just keep following me!
by junctions-wife 3 Replies latest jw friends
Maybe she was traveling through. I used to keep magazines in my car and place them sometimes in different situations. I felt bad because they would pile up because at the doors it seemed few wanted them. Also, if you are in a place of business, you don't have to usually worry about making return visits on the people. I was always weak in this area.
I am surprised anyone wants them anymore.
She basically threw it at me. She said" Here I usually leave these with people who I have met." And the thing of it after being around it for almost 13 years, I usually have my radar on, I guess not that day. There is another family that comes in I don't know how to take them. They usaully come in on thursday in dress clothing, the son is in a long black trench coat with jacket and tie. The daughter is in a dress along with the mother. I think it is the same family that was giving my Grandmother a hard time here at the house. but I am not sure.