“Can an omniscient god, who knows the future, find the omnipotence to change his future mind” Karen Owens I am an atheist, but I have been thinking about this comment ever since I read it. Raised as a JW I am still interested in how the believing mind works. Hypothetically, if man could govern themselves peacefully on earth, even though death would still exist, would the bible loose its potency? What would be left to prove? If the time of the end is strictly dependent on man’s failure to govern the world peacefully, then it would have to change if man succeeded. Why does God predetermine failure or any form of government and still allow the “system of things” to continue if he knows they will fail. Also, I was always taught that a point had to be proven, not only to man but to angels, that there could only be true happiness under the rule of god. If it is already predetermined that man will fail and how, then what is the point? It is like playing game of chess when you know your opponent will knock the board over in the middle of the game. Then, having the opponent tell you lets play again, but be forewarned I am going to tip the board over again. Another question that is just kind of a side note is: Why wasn’t the game between God and Satan over with during Noah’s day, (if the account actually happened as described) since obviously most of mankind then were lost to Satan? Otherwise there was no need for a flood, because the game was lost, over. The majority of mankind made the choice. They chose not to worship, so why should they have been killed? The only answer I can come up with is that man can exercise free will, but if that choice conflicts with God or the bible’s views it can and will be fatal. To me, that sounds an awful lot like cruel dictators I have know of, not very forgiving.
Omniscient god ???
by looseend 7 Replies latest jw friends
If God is as we beleived Him to be, then it would seem to be a cruel thing the way he allows mankind to spin towards
destruction. But if Satan, His archenemny, is manipulating men like a puppeteer, just how much free will are men actually
excercising? Are they making choices of their own free will or are levers being thrown to control their actions? (And if you choose
differently than what God wants, then you die. How FREE is free will if the price is death? It doesn't seem free at all.)
It seems to me that you can't have it both ways: either men choose what is right or wrong of their own accord
OR they are manipulated by Satan and his minions/ OR by God and His.
So Zack, what is your stance on this then? Do you believe in a personal god or a god that created and does not judge? Or no god at all?
Our friend Yahweh doesn't let a little thing like the scientific method stand in his way. No sir, if it doesn't look like he'll get the results he wants, he'll change the parameters of the experiment. (i.e. tower of Babel)
Not only does he change the maze during the experiment to confuse the rats, he'll even influence their thoughts in orchestrating their eventual failure. (i.e.hardening the heart of pharaoh)
The JW the idea of universal sovereignty really makes god look like a psychopath who wouldn't be interested in the scientific method even if he understood it.
By the way, athiest over here
The JW God is worse, because he chooses to cover his eyes from future events that he thinks might need his intervention.
Loose End:
I beleive in God as the Creator of all things. What I do not beleive in is the way man has tried to explain Him. More to the
point, I do not beleive in the very neat box that man has tried to put God in.
Further, I no longer accept the God of the WTS or the box THEY put him in.
I beleive in God as the Creator of all things. What I do not beleive in is the way man has tried to explain Him.
Zack, the only thing I can say about that comment is that it seems backwards. You believe in a creator, but who told you about the "creator"? With all different theories about god, who is to be believed? Is the only basis behind your belief in a creator do to faith?
My personal feeling is that most religions are taught to be taken as the truth, be it JW or Mormon or Catholic. The basis of all these religions is on the bible and misconstrued in one way or the other from the original meaning it was intended for portray. Even if it was portrayed correctly, how can we be sure that the one portraying the original message was correct? One step further, can we be sure that Christianity is right at all, what about Buddhists or Muslims. I can’t personally believe or put my trust in any organization that is based on mythological beliefs that can’t be proven.