Ive read a number of times about the millions the Watchtower are raking in tax free..since ive been led to believe that people are not charged for their magazines could somebody clarify this and explain where all this money comes from?
where does their money come from??
by luffy 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The public is not charged except for asking for a donation, however the R&F are strongly encouraged to donate enough to cover the literature the get to use in the door to door work.
Guilting people into giving money means millions of bucks.
A lot of JW's will their estates to the Watchtower Society.
The Watchtower Society is one of the largest property owners in Brooklyn, New York. It's all tax exempt, too.
The Watchtower Society owns a lot of stocks in Phillip Morris and Rand Engine Company (51%).
the R&F are strongly encouraged to donate enough to cover the literature
In the U.S, the R&F are not doing well contributing, but in poorer countries, they are contributing.
Also, assemblies and conventions traditionally make quite a profit. Remember that all the labor
is free, volunteers clean and set up (no teamsters) and usually pay for everything to set up.All they have to do is rent the place, the rest is free. They even submit expenses to locals
for flying in the bethelites. -
The WT Society spends their money very thrifty, they have lots of money tied up in stocks. They have millions in JP Morgan and other investment firms. If the WT Society today decided to quit taking donations, they could still surivive on the interest from their multi-billion dolllar inverstments.
They are also geniuses at real estate.
Rumor has it they pretty much own certain precious metal and diamond markets in some European countries. Though I have yet to see proof other than some hearsay and coincidences.
Now that the business aspect of the society has been broken off from the Governing Body, there really is no accounting - even from the Governing Body - where donations are going and what is being done with the money they make from their investments.
The Governing Body is just an "aspect" of the Society. In a way they have made the Governing Body powerless again (pre-1970's) and given it back to the few at the top that control the purse strings. That's smart I guess - that way an honest GB member can't pull another "Ray Franz".
-ithinkisee -
drew sagan
The Governing Body is just an "aspect" of the Society. In a way they have made the Governing Body powerless again (pre-1970's) and given it back to the few at the top that control the purse strings. That's smart I guess - that way an honest GB member can't pull another "Ray Franz".
I think you hit the nail right on the head. The GB is powerless these days. They just serve as a prop for the legal corporation so the typical JW member doesn't see where are the real power is (the legal department).
The WT is also in the loan sharking business. What they do is loan, with interest, local congregations the money to buy land and another loan to build or remodel a local hall. of course the WT owns the hall not the local congregations so in effect they are receiving interest on the loans, free property and when they sell, after the loan is paid off, pure profit. if they can convince the local to move to another location or remodel it all starts over again. I’m sure of this one my old man was an elder and he, my brothers and I are all in the construction industry. I have never been a JW (refused) and I never took part in a quick build. ( wouldn’t do anything for free or pay on an uninsured construction site) what if I were seriously injured? Stuff happens.
excuse my ignorance but what is the R&F?
R&F= Rank and File (the average publisher)