When I was a child and growing up in the org. surrounded by family who had
been converted in a Communist Country, I always heard stories told with much authority
about the brothers and sisters who were persecuted for their JW Service--- arrrested for carrying WT
literature, arrested for not going into the military, etc.... And all the near-spy-service antics they used in order to
preach. Long into my adulthood I beleived this (government resistance) to be a sign of the religion being the TRUTH. Fast forward to just
3 short years ago when I finally began to Question things after my 2 weeks at Pioneer School. I concluded that JW's
put their lives at risk while being in service NEEDLESSLY. If JW's in the USA are told by the Branch not to go to a door where a NO TRESSPASSING
sign is posted, they certainly shouldn't be going to a distant village where a civil war is being fought. As soon as there
is any kind of resistance to their activities in the USA or other rich countries, the FDS finds a way around it. But those
in poor countries have to go THROUGH it to show their faith to God. Now I know that all those good people just wanting to
live a Christian life were sacrificed without need, for the BIBLE as a book was never banned in the country of which I speak. One could possess it, talk about it,
share it. Often times it was the sole repository of records of births and marriages. It was the LITERATURE published by the WTS that
was banned because the government viewed it as treasonous, seditionist, etc. ALso, the government gave people a choice when
being drafted for military service; not everyone had to go in the Armed Forces. The alternative wasn't a cake walk, but it
would not have compromised Bible principles. But JW's were told they could not accept.
This was just one crack in the ice for me at a time when I
was giving my all to the ORG. I took away many lessons from that Pioneer School and one was: Service to God JW style is a trap.