crazy thouhgts you have when you wake up

by becca1 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • becca1

    This morning before getting up, I let my mind wander as I often do, and I started thinking about the movie The Village. I was thinking that it would be possible to set up such a lifestyle if one had access to a remote spot and friends who were of like mind.

    Then my mind wandered even farther and I thought that Adam and Eve (if they even existed) were basically in such a situation. They were like a sociology experiment. Human curiosity is a strong thing. Do you think they would have been able to resist the temptation to "eat the fruit" indefinitely? Even if they did, how likely would it be that none of their offspring would succumb to their curiosity? Eventually somebody would have eaten that fruit. And than what? Would they have died right then and there (since there were now others to uphold God's soverignty), or would they gradualy grow old and die while the others stayed young? Would they have been kicked out of the paradise, creating and "in" and an "out"? Jehovah would have known all these possible avenues ,and I think that the avenue were nobody ever ate the fruit is the least likely, so why did he do it?

    Then I thought about something that has always troubled me, eating from this fruit was supposed to open their eyes so they would know good from bad. How is it possible to go through life not knowing good from bad? Is that even a desireable thing? I don't think so. Did Adam and Eve save us from a life as blithering idiots? Is the new system supposed to bring us back to such a state?

    Anyway, sorry for this silly topic, and thanks for the opportunity to get it out of my head.

  • Dismembered

    Greetings becca1,

    If you think your thougts are "crazy". I'd like to add to the madness. I wonder what the first thing Adam said to Eve when he saw her for the first time?


  • lonelysheep

    Becca, I haven't watched that movie yet. However, many people here have, and there have been past threads on this! You're not alone!

  • xjwms

    Morning ???

    All-ready ???

    and why am I awake at 4 am ???


  • Bstndance

    The first word to come out of my mouth when the alarm goes off is usually a vulgarity. Morning turrets I guess. I'm not a morning person.

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