REV book? elders, what instructions have you been told reguarding the ....

by ?me? 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ?me?

    minor changes? i have an old book and i am going to be one of the readers. and i am not one of those nerds that cut and pasted the "minor changes" overtop of the old stuff. did you receive any info on how to handle the book this time around? also seems like we are taking it very, very slow on the studying of the book, are we going to have to read every scripture covered all in one reading at the end of the study like last time? me

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Nothing other than what was printed in the KM. If you're a reader and can keep a straight face, I would just keep the KM insert handy (or the version here where the changes are commented on).

    The pace being covered is exactly the same as last time. I have the dates from the 1994 (I think) review still marked in my book.

  • stillajwexelder

    I read last night - I will just change when I need to as per Kingdom Ministry

  • JWdaughter

    OMG, haven't they read that book enough? Is there something in there that they keep hoping the R&F will realize or have some epiphany about? Whats up?

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