Hi folks as I have posted before I started a new job for better money and it is doing great.
I am so busy now I can't think of the time and my old customers from my former location ( here ) it has been great. One of my senior ladies brought me so much in the way of goodies we both just had to laugh.
Jake is upset as I will bring him there later. I fired a couple of folks for doing illegal inspections ( state emissions and safety regulations ) and the one tech there is scared I will get rid of him to bring Jake there. I won't do that as he is ok but not as good as Jake. I convinced the owner to improve the place and add new lifts and an allignment machine which will cost over 40,000 dollars and HE AGREED!
So I am becoming more independent and doing ok .
I won't post as much but wanted to let all you wonderful folks know I am doing great and I will check in from time to time and give my opinion on topics posted.
Thanks and love to you all.