Ok so the story go's . . . Until Jesus, Jews were Gods people. Under the rule of the Romans, these none pagans needed to go to the temple to serve the only God. What they studied was the laws of abraham, and other assorted history of what it was to serve God. The teaching was done by the scribes and Phar - a - sies. Or they at least held what paper document their where back then right? (Sorry if I I cant remember the whole thing)
Then Jesus hits the scene, now the people keeping God's religion alive were not doing a good job. They were selling animals in the temple and not at Wal-Mart prices. So already in bad standing, they "the leaders keeping Gods religion alive" conspire to kill Jesus. Here is the part im really fuzzy on! They arrange to get Jesus taken to trial. And they are the ones who forsake his name, and a crowd too? So the "BAD" leaders and "ONLY" leaders, refuse Jesus. And whatever "Jews" that where there also claim Jesus to be a phony. So that was the grounds that Jews convent with God was broken?
Now I can understand I guess that in order to have Christianity, you need to prove there is no more "GODS CHOSEN RACE" How many percentage of the "jewish race" were involved? and do you feel that the number involved validates destroying there "Contract"? I felt that the first humans screwing us over was a bit of an unfair angle, but there was no line of lineage here. It was just lead by the people who where in charge of keeping "Gods religion" alive. Any opinions on the matter?
ps: this is my first Topic so go easy on me
underaglassmoon ~