Questions and Answers.

by Blueblades 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    Excluding Minimus, who is not afraid to ask questions. Do you hold back from asking questions and seeking answers because you might feel some.what intimidated by others who are sharp - witted? What do you think about this statement: Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.'Bernard Haisch'

    I want to know what sharp - witted persons have to say, only then can I learn and move out of my box ( so - to speak ) I am an inquisitiive person. I must admit that sometimes I hold back because, I do get intimidated, because of not knowing how to express myself back to the responses of sharp-witted ones.


  • mann377

    Yea I've been there to. I perceived others as sharp witted for a long time and held back from expressing myself. Then I discovered that the others were not as sharp as I had thought, but rather the problem was the way I saw myself. I worked on my self perception and discovered that I was just as "sharp" as other people. Many times people will delibertly try to intimdate you by appearing to be smart/sharp or whatever so as to dominate others. One way to show how shallow some sharp people are is to ask only "why" when they make a point. If you ask "why" more than a few times and put the proof on the other person you often times see them back pedal and run.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Well I think the key to understanding such conversations is being able to recognize when somebody starts using bogus arguments. People need called out on things that they say, IMO. I personally never stopped asking questions and that eventually led me out of the org.

    I think this is best described in a conversation I had once with an Elder. As I showed him page after page of evidence showing how all of the reasons the Society calls itself the faithful slave are bogus he began to simply rely upon one tactic. He began to attack me personally.

    He told me a number of times that I was acting like Korah. His major line of defense was asking me who I felt the faithful slave was. This of course is a trick. He was not really interested in who I felt the FDS was, he just wanted me to set up a 'straw man' that he could tear down. He wanted me to give and interpretation that he disagreed with because it is allways eaiser to argue against something than to argue for something. It is eaiser to tear down than to build up.

    When somebody has no proof or argument that can prove what they do believe, they then resort to attacking everything they do not believe. Thats why I enjoy the idea of making a discussion all about what a person does believe, forcing them to argue for something than against something.

    Think about everything we where taught as witnesses. How many arguements did you have against certain teachings that people 'in the world' hold? Compare that to arguements that Witnesses have for the things they believe. How many of us went from door to door with solid proof for the householder of 1914, the sealing around 1935, two classes of christians, 607, 1918, and more. All of the things that mark JWs as differant are teachings that most active publishers cannot defend. Instead they end up being the strongest on attacking the doctrines of others, having strong positions for what the do not believe in.

    The more I saw this in the org the more I realized I never asked enough questions and that the answers I did get where simply an answer, not theanswer.

  • proplog2

    Animals have four basic systems:

    1. Visceral System for digesting food

    2. Muscular System for moving around

    3. Nervous System for processing information

    4. Sensory System for getting information.

    Asking questions is essential for survival. That's why it is evil for an organization to try to control information. That's why Google is the most valuable product in the world. We don't need an organization to act as the sorter for our information. That's why we have nervous systems. Our brain will find the mis-matches. But you have to train the brain in logic to do this right.

    The two most important questions:

    What do you mean? (Clarifys and puts everyone on same page)

    How do you know? (detects the garbage)

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