Fly Lady?` Chicken TNT

by JWdaughter 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWdaughter

    Who gave us the link to Fly Lady? THANK YOU! I know its nuts, but I love the reminders, I love my clean sink and my shoes are on.

    Also, thanks to whomever passed on the Chicken TNT recipe. It is SO delicious. I have made it twice and the second time I actually had all the ingr. and followed the directions properly. EVEN better! YUM.

    Anyone else find that when the house is cleaner you are more likely to cook?

  • mrsjones5

    Chicken TNT recipe? I missed that one. Do tell. I'm always up for a good recipe.

  • kitten whiskers
    kitten whiskers

    Hi Jw Daughter! My you are on a roll! I know I put it on a thread where a mom was looking to help a college daughter get organized and on track with her studies. Isn't it great? I'm glad I was able to post it. I am trying to get with the program! The ideas stick in your head and the motivation and encouragement is great! This was our first christmas and I tried to use her Christmas journal to keep on top of the season and everything went so smoothly! Glad to meet a fellow flybaby!

    (((hugs))) Kitten Whiskers

  • JWdaughter

    Kitten, thank you so much! It is changing my life in unexpected ways. This afternoon I was putting clothes in the drawer and realized they were still warm. I'm 40. I don't think I have ever put clothes still warm from the dryer in my drawers EVER. And my sink can be used for rinsing pasta-without moving all the dirty dishes and pans out of the way! I am being nicer to people. My attitude is changing. I don't think I am doing less work, but it is less of a burden. . .actually, cleaning things without moving clutter out of the way is less work. . .Anyway. I am getting in good habits all around and I like it. Today is my 21st day, I think. I have a LONG way to go, but its good to know I found a good path to take. Thanks again!


  • JWdaughter

    FrannieBannanni provided this and it is totally delish.

    kay, here's that Chicken TNT recipe that Codeblue and family are so crazy about:

    Chicken TNT (served over rice)

    5 or 6 chicken breasts or 2 1/2 lbs. chicken cubed

    3 sm. cans Rotel tomatoes w/chilies, cilantro & lime

    1 lb. sour cream

    2 cups grated colby/jack or cheddar cheese

    1 pkg. Taco Seasoning

    1 envelope onion soup mix

    1 cup water

    In large stewing pot, place chicken, Rotel, water, sour cream, Taco Seasoning and onion soup mix. Heat over med., stirring occasionally until mixture comes to simmer and turn down on med-low, simmering until chicken is done (about 30 mins.). Turn heat to low, add sour cream and cheese to mixture, stirring occasionally until sour cream is melted/blended and cheese is melted/blended in.

    Serve over rice.

    The original crockpot recipe uses 4 chicken breasts (which recipe I increased by 1/3) on crockpot temperature LOW for 6 to 8 hours. For conversion to crockpot cooking..... Given there's travel time to and from work with an 8 hr shift sandwiched between, I'd put your chicken breasts in the pot frozen and expect it to be done when you get home. Just mix the sour cream and cheese togeher before adding to the Rotel with the seasonings. Stir until blended well, then add the chicken, turn it on low, and put the lid on. Should be done when you get home.

    If this recipe is too large for your household, believe me.....yall are GONNA want leftovers.

  • restrangled


    Anyone else find that when the house is cleaner you are more likely to cook?

    Absolutely! Please forward the recipe, house is clean today


  • restrangled

    Sorry, just saw the recipe posted.....will try


  • mrsjones5

    Oh that looks yummy. Thanks for the recipe.

  • deeskis

    Oh my, I need to come on JWD more often!............for the wealth of information on so many topics!

    Kitten, I missed your FLY Lady thread, but I actually found the site, about 3 weeks ago, whilst doing a google search for housekeeping schedules...........It is so good, who would have thought that shining your sink would set in motion a whole chain of positive results..........I love it, and the rest of the family are enthused too.

    I bought "sink reflections" and "Body clutter".....what inspiring books they are for all aspects of life.

    Best wishes



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