What kind of scandals have you heard about within the society? I mean ones that seem at least valid. There is a congregation close to me that had a number of the members DF'd (including some elders and MS) due to wife swapping. How about you?
What kind of scandals have you heard about??
by nonamegiven 6 Replies latest jw experiences
The Cong. I left had about 15-20 people that gambled at a horse track. One was an elder who tried to explain to me that it's not gambling but rather wagering (WTF????). They did this right after the Sun meeting and I was very amazed when a friend invited me for the first time. This little snippet played a big role in me leaving. They were afraid I was going to make trouble for them so I had to get out before I got DF'd to silence me. Very mafia like. The whole story is a bit longer and a whole lot dirtier so I will save it for another day. What was happening to me was extremely upsetting and I realized I was in a catch 22 situation.
To my knowledge nobody ever got into any trouble over it and that was over twenty years ago.
I also have some very juicy info regarding a CO but I would have some professional liability issues if it ever got back to me.
Too many to count but I do remember back in the 80's the entire body of elders being removed from the Del Mar (San Diego) Congo. That was interesting.
We are obviously out of gossip practice. . .3 posts. Jeez.
I would have figured that this post would have been on the fourth page by now. I have another one but it would be way too graphic to put on the forums. If I can fiqure out how to re-word about half of it I will give it a shot. Since I am still very new here I have not got a complete thumbnail sketch of what's offensive here to some.
How many people must be involved for it to be considered a scandal?
Well my brother told me that my uncle (Elder) and his wife would go on topless cruises in the bahamas because they got a cheap price on the tickets.
right now in our circuit there is a brother who is charged with medicare fraud.. he runs some kind of clinic. he so far hasnt been df'd but he is one of the wealthiest men in the circuit so i guess they'll be real careful about his discipline.