Okay, you 'christians'... help me out...

by AGuest 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    For I am TRYING to understand! May I first say "Peace to you", however.

    Now, in response to a statment by Larsguy in another thread, that:

    "I can't help but think that these recent events are priming us for the last chapter of this old system of things. We were expecting something like this to suddenly happen. As far as I'm concerned, the peaceful and secure world as we know it ended on September 11th. Nothing will be the same but could get worse..."

    may I say, "ER?!" And may I ask you, Josh, who is the 'we' you are referring to in 'as WE know it'? Are Americans truly the ONLY people who exist on this planet? Are there not nations who have been engulfed in war... for eons?

    Someone out there, some 'CHRISTIAN' out there, help a sista out! Tell me, why is that EVERY time some kind of 'conflict' breaks out in THIS world, it is the 'christians' that start running around, panicking, talking about things getting worse and the 'end' coming?

    For in truth, was it not said TO THE CHRISTIANS:

    "You are going to hear of wars... and REPORTS of wars...
    See that you do NOT get frightened... for the END...
    IS NOT YET."

    Have such ones not heard and have they not read that:

    "Whenever it is that they are saying PEACE... and

    that is it THEN that the 'end' will come?

    War, dear ones, is NOT a precursor to the 'end'. PEACE AND SECURITY... a time WITHOUT war... anywhere in THIS world... is the precursor! Dear ones, we've come a LONG way... but... we've got a LONG way to go!

    (SIGH! Father, why is it that they THINK they 'hear', and yet, they do NOT 'get the SENSE of it'? Please, then, may it be your will to 'excavate ears' for all those whose hearts are truly upright with you. May you grant to them this undeserved kindess and mercy. I ask you, in the name of my Lord, your Son, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. Please, open the eyes of the blind... and the ears of the deaf... that they may HEAR... and SEE... and get the sense of it.

    I am,

    Your servantgirl and a slave of your Christ, to time indefinite.)

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    Hi you sassy girl you,(my version of may you have peace).

    I feel that the Bible says that the End will not be coming with a call of "peace and security", or reports of wars, or any event originating in the world of man.

    I think Jesus' warnings about the End of this system of things, or world as we know it has only one precurser..., the SIGN OF THE SON OF MAN IN THE HEAVENS..., that is the only sign I read in the Bible about an indication that the END is near.

    At this time true Christian will be able to lift their heads up for their deliverance is drawing near.

    What this will mean for non Christians, I don't know.
    I don't think the END as taught by the WTBS is what the Bible teaches.

    I feel God in his mercy will deal in a merciful way with the nonChristian(according to Romans 2:3-16).

    I would like to highlite Romans 2:15,16:
    They are the very ones that demonstate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them and between their own thoughts, they are being accused or excused.16 This will be in the day when God through Christ judges the secret things of mankind, according to the good news I declare.

    This is what I read and feel is just, I may be wrong, it is only my opinion.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • AGuest

    Hello, dearest DWilt... and I accept your 'version' of a wish for peace, and offer you mine: May you have peace!

    And may I say that I believe that we are speaking of the same timing with regard to the events, that as my Lord was recorded to have said that "Just as in the days of Noah... the people took no note." Why? Because things were relatively peaceful, really. Now, you MIGHT want to say that, well, there was the Nephilim. But do you REALLY know who they are... and just what those were doing?

    My Lord says you do not, and I have been directed to address that in a separate post. But... for the most part, I truly think we are in agreement.

    Again, I bid you peace!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • TR

    Hi Shelby,

    may you too have peace!(I mean that sincerely)

    I agree with your initial post. It seems plain that JW's and others are trained to react to these terrible events.

    I am also looking forward to hear what you have to say regarding the nephilim.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

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