My amatuer commentary:
I've been out of the game for over 14 years. I haven't paid attention to the WTS at all until I recieved "The End of False Religion is Near" tract. This tract drove me (accidentally) to JWD (woo-hooo) to find out what the heck is going on these days in the Tower.
With the recent tract "The End of False Religion is Near" and this new comment by James Rayford about the fulfillment of Matthew 24:14, has left me wondering/ pondering about some things.
It seems to me that it is more apt to say that the FDS is distributing drugs at the proper time rather than spiritual nourishment.
Correct me if I'm wrong here,...but, it seems as though the R & F crave these drugs. The distribution of "new light" or new literature, or a new campaign causes similar emotions experienced in real drug use. The R & F have a campaign handed to them like the most recent one and they are awash with emotions. The R & F gets high. A campaign, new light, or new literature can bring about excitement, fear (I must get things in order), arrogance, invincibility, a plethora of emotion, etc,....basically a rush. However, we all know that rush comes to an end when nothing happens and the WTS remains calm or silent. Hence, you have the lows, the time periods inbetween the releasing of new light, new literature, or new campaigns and these are the times when the R & F's cravings come back. The R & F can't wait for their next rush distributed by the FDS.
It is a religion and a life of peaks and valleys. There is a fine balancing act by the FDS most of the time. When they do make a bad chess move,...the R & F easily forgive and forget because of the brainwashing involved. Therefore, the FDS has the ability to make silly moves. What's important for them though, is to keep distributing the highs.
Two questions:
Would you say this is a valid view of the WT?
2nd, Like I said I haven't been watching the Tower for 14 yrs,, has the frequency of highs increased in recent years? In other words,...has the time inbetween the highs lessened?