Remember the "cliques" at the KH?

by new boy 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • new boy
    new boy

    It really is amazing how many there are in every congregation of 100-120 people!

    I was in a the " father is DFed (or unbelieving mate) but the mom and kids are in" clique. That is a real fun one............NOT!.........Got into the "full time service or the rest of you are not doing enough" clique. Then everyone LOVED me...............NOT!

  • BrentR

    I distinctively remember them also and how divisive they were. In hindsight I am glad they exist becuase it started to open my eyes very early about the imperfect aspect of the people of the Cong. Cliques are very alienating to people and cause many to leave the Borg. JW's are very much thier own worst enemies, they don't need worldly influence or apostates. They are doing just fine all by themselves at driving people out.

    What are the chances of hearing a talk at a circuit or district assembly titled "We have found the enemy and it is us"? Probably never!

  • some-xjw-guy

    New from Maxis: The Sims: JW Edition. Explore all the dysfunctional dynamics of JW social groups. Online play not available.

  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    Unfortunately, the cliques are the thing I remember most about JW congregations.
    The one I belonged to seemed to be called "The Elders' S###list"!


  • avidbiblereader

    Birds of feather flock together, and yet it isn't suppose to be this way, one of the reasons why Paul reproved Peter on the issue in Gal Ch 2, it is human nature but very few have the te**icles to do anything about it and especially when some of the leading members of their cliches.


  • aarque

    I well remember the cliques... and the PO and his wife seemed to be in the forefront. Any family that had a disbelieving spouse (my dad) or single parent families were on the outside. We would go to the hall, find our seats and be quiet, but were also totally ignored. I will never forget asking my mother why, after attending meetings all my life, along with my three sisters, no one could remember my name; instead calling me by my sister's names. She had no answers. When I had problems and asked several elders for help, I was completely ignored And finally, when I faded, none of the elders ever bothered to find out why. Never any shepherding calls, nothing. It's as if I never existed in their eyes. I've been out for over twenty years, and still don't know why I was always treated as a nonentity.

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