DirectBuy - anyone here a member?

by Stealth 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stealth

    Anyone here have any experiences with the company DirectBuy? We are planning to remodel our kitchen, bathroom and replace windows & siding in our house, so we feel like we can bet back the membership fee over time. Some of their sales tactics does raise some red flags like you must join the day of your visit or you will never be offered a membership again, ever.

    I would like to hear what some current members have to say, anyone here a member? What has been your experience?

  • Qcmbr
  • exjdub


    I am not a member, however I did go for the tour for the very same reason that you are considering joining. We were about to do a remodel and thought that we could recoup our membership fee. Don't away from Direct Buy. Go to Google and punch in Direct Buy and see what comes up.

    A couple of things that I noticed on the tour: As you mentioned, if you do not join the day you take the tour you will never be offered a membership again. Think for a moment..if the only way in which Direct Buy makes money is off of the membership fees, which is what they stated to me, then why would they not encourage you to join at any time? Wouldn't they want as many memberships as possible? They are looking for impulse memeberships.

    Another issue is that they do have some deals, but only on the highest end items. If you look up kitchen cabinets you will see top of the line stuff, but you are paying 15K for a kitchen, when you might want a middle of the road 8K kitchen. I also noticed that every time I asked to see an item in the catalog, other than what they were trying to show me on the floor, the lady kept trying to sidetrack me away from price checking. I finally pushed the issue and looked up a Weber grill, which made the sales lady very nervous. Turns out the pricing was not too bad, but not good enough to justify the cost of the membership.

    All in all I believe it is a scam. Proceed carefully.

  • pratt1

    What is the cost of a membership?

  • Stealth

    Cost is about $4K for the first two years then $200 per year to renew for the next 8. This averages out to $560 per year.

    I find it interesting that most people who claim it is a rip-off are not members. Most of the coments by members in the blogs are positive.

    If you never make any large purchases it is probably not worth it, however if you are building a home or a major remodel, buying furnature, jewlery or any high markup items, it can pay off big time.

    This is why I would like to hear from anyone who are actual members.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Don't do it. My exhusband and I were members. It cuts out the joy of being able to shop around and find your own deals. It's VERY, EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to make returns if you don't like something. The only things we ever bought were a loft bed with desk for my daughter and a bumper pool table. We didn't like the bumper pool table and it was like trying to take a case all the way to the supreme court. I did return it, but it was hell to do. They acted like they had never, no never ever had a return before.

    There are lots of ways to find deals on building materials, cabinets, furniture. And probably places that have liberal return policies.

    Oh and another thing: we changed our minds about membership, but they were very threatening to us with lawyers and everything. We had waited past the three days you have to get out of a contract. We didn't know we could change our minds for the first three days. You can bet they didn't inform us of that.

    It's a sleazy operation. Trust me.

  • JWdaughter

    I work for an appliance store that does deals with direct buy. It actually isn't that 'direct' because of the sales arrangements that they make with us. We deliver the goods, DB does not usually touch them. I think that with some shrewd negotiating, you can find what you need at as good a price as DB could give you. I say this since they are still making a profit on goods that WE are still making a profit on. They are really adding an additional layer of cost between you and the product. It makes everything more difficult for you regarding warranty and service issues (IMO) since for one thing, we have every DB purchase listed under DB rather than the name of the buyer. Which confuses things when you are trying to get info for servicing. I would go to a reputable retailer who specializes in appliances or whatever you are seeking, and tell them you are considering DB, but would prefer to deal directly with a local retailer-and a sales person that has some accountability to you. THey have a LOT of wiggle room about the prices they can offer you, they can let you know of upcoming specials etc. Also, in the Seattle area, we have cabinet places that offer some great deals too-even custom or semi custom installations. I don't know what kind of deals DB has, but the way they operate tends to make me think that you aren't going to get that great of deals.

    Edited to say: I just saw the rest of the posts-there is NO way you will save enough with even a large remodel to justify a DB membership from the prices I have seen. You would have to remodel a dozen houses or more. The difference in price is negligible when you are talking a membership price of 4 grand!! Shop around, a good shopper can find great deals. End of season, closeouts, home shows. . . there are all kinds of ways to save. Even at our store with our store discount, our sales guys say that costco has a equally good BBQ grill for less than what WE would have to pay-because it is kirkland brand. Do a little more comparison shopping. I don't know about the all of their (home remodel) goods, but other than travel(which is a joke) costco does a good job in the competitive market.

    Also, when looking for countertop fabricators-REALLY shop around, and make sure they have sound experience. You would not believe the issues we hear about countertops!

    MEASURE everything very carefully. Appliances that have to be ordered usually carry a re-stocking fee. Plus its a pain in the butt when you are trying to get certs. of occupancy etc. Have to have that stove! (I love WOLF! Excellent brand, never get any service calls on that one)

  • Jim_TX

    I'm not a member of Direct Buy... but they have been trying like crazy to get me to go and join. I must have received at least 3 or 4 of their packages in the mail - followed up by a phone call. It's kinda funny too... in the envelope of info there is a 'special key' that may open some sort of box - which means that I win!!! WooHoo!!! All three keys are the same. I keep hoping that I'll get one that _isn't_ the same... then I might go.

    I am not inteested in Direct Buy... but thanks to the folks who have responded with good info on them.


    Jim TX

  • DaCheech

    A plumbing supply place near my house that I buy stuff from has the following sign posted:

    "Direct buy member may come in with appoinment only"!

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