'Happy Feet'

by dmouse 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • dmouse

    When my brother suggested we watch the new film 'Happy Feet' I inwardly groaned - I'm getting tired of anthropomorphic CGI films with their cute identical characters. I'm surprised to say though that I really enjoyed this film - it wasn't what I expected. The reviews put me off, a film about singing, dancing penguins? Please!

    However, it was different enough, and the humour sophisticated enough, to keep me quite enthralled all the way through. OK, so the basic premise that the penguins are only considered worth saving because one of them can tap-dance, and the simplistic 'feel-good' ending are a bit of a let-down. BUT, there is a anti-cult sub-text that, given my history, I found quite interesting. The hero of the story is born 'different' in that he can dance, but not sing. As long as he hides his difference everyone tolerates him. But as soon as he starts to celebrate his difference the 'Elders' are called in and they recommend he is shunned, banished. Even his father can't bring himself to support his own son in the face of the cult's demands and beliefs.

    The scene where 'Dave' is told by his own father that he was born 'wrong' and not 'penguiny' and there was something fundementally unacceptable about him, even though 'Dave' was quite happy and just wanted to dance was quite stomach-churning, as I imagined many 'bible-belters' in the real world saying the same thing to their 'gay' children.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say I quite enjoyed it (except the bit where the seal suddenly shot out the sea, it made me spill my coke!)

    Anyone else seen it?

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    The graphics were incredible, but I thought the story line and humor was a bit more for older kids. My 4 year old was scared with some of the more jumpy scenes and the story line was a little too sophisticated for younger ones. I did a little research on it after the fact and found that there were others who thought the same thing. It was well done for sure! I just would recommend it for older kids or adults.

    Glad you enjoyed it, a good environmental message in there!

  • Been there
    Been there

    I saw it a couple weeks ago with my 8 year old granddaughter. I thought it was pretty good and thought of it as a cartoony version of "March of the Penguins". My first thought was that it was too old for very young ones and the seals even scared me, so I would not recommend it to very young kids. The whales were too scary too. It did make you want to dance a little jig tho.

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