tattoo designs

by BlackSwan of Memphis 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    I would really like to get a tattoo on my wrist. I was thinking along the lines of an orobous (snake biting/swallowing its own tail) that goes around the wrist.

    My question is this: I don't have a picture of what I want exactly. Would a tattoo artist at a salon be able to design this, or would my best bet be to seek out someone else? I'm an ok artist, but not so good to put it on my body .

    What sort of experiences have you guys had with this sort of thing?

  • megsmomma

    I think if you go to a good reputable artist and describe what you want...they are able to draw things up. Most tattoo artists are very talented!

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Thank you megsmomma! I wondered about this. There are a few reputable tattoo parlors around here. I am thinking maybe to stop in and take a look around and talk to them. I was looking around the net and there are hundreds of designs out there! Thousands, would be more like it. This should be fun, a wee painful but fun. I've put a lot of thought into this, and now I am ready!

  • Hellrider
    This should be fun, a wee painful but fun

    Not that painful. Although I hear the ankle is one of the more painful places, it`s not bad at all.

    Be aware that there are huge differences between different tattoo parlors, when it comes to quality. Don`t look at just their flash (tattoo designs hanging on the wall), bit also their portfolios (pictures of tattoos they have done). And do not think about the price, think quality only (cause its gonna be there the rest of your life...). Good luck

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Thank you hellrider, this is good to know. I have a tattoo on my ankle that I got about 11 years ago. It's a chain of sunflowers that wraps around the ankle.

    Thank you for the tip, I appreciate that as I won't be going to the same place I got my first tattoo. I wouldn't have thought to look through a portolio.

    I was thinking the same thing about quality. If I have to look at this everyday for the rest of my life, I want one that looks awesome!

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