Drinking water kills woman

by Pleasuredome 8 Replies latest social current

  • Pleasuredome

    "A Woman has died of water intoxication after taking part in a radio station's water-drinking contest. Jennifer Strange, 28, was in the "Hold Your Wee for a Wii" competition, trying to win a Nintendo Wii game system."

    "I was talking to her and she was a nice lady. She was telling me about her family and her three kids and how she was doing it for the kids."


    unfortunately it doesnt say whether she won the games console or not.

  • purplesofa

    I have heard that you can drink too much water.

    I did not know it could kill you.


  • GermanXJW

    How true: (1 Timothy 5:23) 23 Do not drink water any longer, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent cases of sickness.

  • under_believer
  • luna2

    I think there was someone in my first congo that died from drinking too much water. It happened after I'd moved so I don't know all the details. Very sad. You can overdo just about anything.

  • sandy

    Larry King had the winner on last night. He asked her if she was sorry or regrets doing the contest after seeing the outcome.

    The lady didn't even say no . . . She just said something like we were there having a good time blah blah blah.

    Unbelievable! There was a lady that called in and warned the DJs that somebody could die but there pretty much laughed it off and said don't worry they signed release forms.

    This is a very sad story.

  • Leolaia

    This is a local story where I live and my alternative rock station KITS, which has a morning DJ show, played the sound clips from the incident and the jocks debated about the legality and negligence of those jocks from KDND who ran that contest. The woman did not win the Wii, but won runner-up tickets to see Justin Timberlake that night (she was dead by the time of the concert). On that program, the jocks talked about the possibility of water poisoning, but the lead DJ said that if anyone was feeling sick they'd throw up the water long before it got lethal. Then a nurse called up on the program and mentioned the danger again, and the lead jock said, "Well, they've signed waivers so we're safe." That comment really got me, because that told me that they were only thinking of themselves, i.e. "It's okay if someone DIES because we're legally safe". And then he said jokingly, "Do we have anyone dying in there? Anyone feeling sick?" And without anyone saying they feel sick, he reiterated his erroneous belief that someone would throw up all their water long before they are in danger of dying.

    Then, later on in the program, it was down to Jennifer Strange, the woman who died, and the other contestant who won, and Jennifer started complaining of feeling sick from drinking all the water (and that she looked like she was pregnant again), and they tried to tempt her with the Timberlake tickets so that she would quit, but she said "No deal!" and said that she was going to go ahead until she wins the game console. But then later on, she said she was really not feeling well, that her head was hurting, they tempted her with the tickets again and she took them....and when she got up, they said, "My God, you really look pregnant, take a look at that!" and told her that she's off to see Justin Timberlake that night. I found it interesting that for all the talk about water poisoning earlier in the program, they took no notice of her health complaints...for why would they if she hasn't puked....not thinking that if the situation can be worse not better if she keeps the water inside her.

    The KITS DJs were split on whether the KDND DJs shared responsibility. On one hand, all such contests are vetted by the radio station's legal department, and the contestants voluntarily took part and signed wavers...so at the very least, if the DJs are being fired why isn't anyone higher up being fired as well? Second, the knowledge about water poisoning displayed by the DJs may indicate that the contestants were warned of the dangers as well and voluntarily took part knowing of the danger. And pre-knowledge of the danger could have no more weight for negligence than a pre-knowledge of the possibility of choking would have for people hosting a hot dog eating contest. The other side however pointed out that the DJs may share responsibility with the contestants for being dismissive of the risks, for not having a doctor on the scene, and especially for spreading the misinformation that one is safe as long as one does not throw up. In fact, Jennifer herself remarks at one point that she has not thrown up yet, indicating she thought that she was okay. This could have contributed to what happened, and may well make the waiver invalid if she was misinformned of the risk. The KITS DJs did a poll on the audience, and those calling up voted only 25% that the KDND DJs shared responsibility, with 75% thinking they were in the clear.

  • moshe

    The reports are that 10 people at that radio station were fired over the contest tragedy. Liability will be determined in a court of law, if it goes to trial. I don't think that waiver will hold up in Court, either. If the radio station knowingly withheld information/details on the risks involved, then they obtained the waiver by means of fraud and as such it will likely be invalidated by the Court.

    Kind of like how JW's neglect to give full disclosure on the many false phrophecies and dangerous medical restrictions found in the history of the WT Society. They obtain their memberships through fraud, too.

  • VM44

    The DJs gave up any indemnity they might have had when they gave the contestants the incorrect medical advice that "they'd throw up the water long before it got lethal."!



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