DISCLAIMER: This isn't a racial thing, I am white but I have african-american friends. This is a human thing. To me this video speaks volumes about why war and violence exist. I want everyone's reaction to this video. I want to let others know that this kind of child abuse goes on right under our noses and nobody is doing anything on a national level to stop this insanity. If children are our future, and we don't stop this, we won't have a future.
This video is what's wrong with the whole world
by Morocco 8 Replies latest jw friends
Unbelievable. Sick. Sad.
God, could you imagine what these people would do to animals (chickens/dogs) if they would do that to CHILDREN??? That is so wrong in so many ways.
God, could you imagine what these people would do to animals (chickens/dogs) if they would do that to CHILDREN??? That is so wrong in so many ways. Many people cut chickens heads off and eat them. The chicken that is, not the heads. KFC? People abuse dogs and cats, its a cold world with a loving God. Right? I try not to think about it and eat mostly vegetables. Children raising children. Drugs alcohol? Seeing a video like that gets me off my pity pot of having been raised as a JW. It could have been worse. People like that would all have been beter off raised in the jw cult and sitting at the watchtower study. Dont ya think? That video is an example of moral decadence. On the positive side, perhaps they are raising them to be ultimate fight challenge warriors.
Think about what this kid will teach his own children when he grows up. I just hope that both of those children will one day realize that those "adults" were terribly wrong in their actions and they won't pass it on to their kids. This kind of stuff is a virus that, through education, needs to be exterminated with extreme prejudice.
i find it interesting how the swear words get bleeped out but showing the violence is ok. whats that all about?
community sanctioned child abuse. and so is little league hockey in some cases.
of course, this happens in so many ways, all over the place. youtube is just making some of it available to watch.
and pleasuredome is right on. bleeping the swears out, and showing the idiocy is a good picture of how far some people have their heads up their a$$e$.
Madame Quixote
There are some crazy-@ss people on this planet.
My JW grandma loved boxing. One of her sons - who's a Mormon now (go figure) - was a golden-gloves champ or something like that.
Gma used to love to watch boxing. Weird, hypocritical behavior for people who claim to be pacifists, huh? And of course, JWs promote corporal punishment while supposedly eschewing violence and condemning swearing.
How could swearing anything outloud be more damaging than fight-promotion?
What a bunch of frigging weirdo-hypocrites.
I guess the only remotely positive thing that can be said about the people in the video is that they aren't being privately or publically dishonest about their attitudes and behaviors; they're right-up-front, redneck-style morons, you know?
Yeah, I know neither way is good. I hate violence in all of its forms, particularly promoting violence among kids; that's just unconscionable, although I think some of the people in my own family kinda' allowed it with older siblings lording it over younger ones while babysitting and such.
No child or adult should ever be allowed to hit another one. It's just wrong-headed and counter-productive, especially for people who promote non-violent ideas. That concept among JWs is one of the only ideas they have that I kinda' could respect, except that they're absolute hypocrites about it; they want other people to protect their freedom to wallop their own kids, while at the same time refusing military service to supposedly eschew violence.