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Witnesses Have a High Mental Illness Level, Hmmmmm.
by Golf 8 Replies latest jw friends
Good information by a reliable source. Thanks for sharing.
Very interesting Golf
Now I know why I'm nuts
Now I know why I'm nuts
But you are not a JW JH. So there must be another reason why you are nuts!
Thanks for that Golf, interesting stuff, I'll read it in more detail later. This section caught my eye:
Prophecy Failure
Many Witnesses harbor a deep-seated fear — fueled by a long history of doctrinal reversals and prophetic failure — that the Watchtower is a false religious organization. Since this idea has earth-shaking implications for followers of that organization, they refuse to explore their fears, preferring to ration-alize or suppress rather than acknowledge and deal with them.
That was a stunning blow for me, when I found out just how many times they'd been wrong about the end. They certainly didn't admit to it as much as they could and probably should have done in the proclaimers book, which is the only reference to wts history available to jws. No wonder they don't like people reading their old publications, and little wonder that many jws are do fearful of the wts being wrong, especially these people, cited as an example
Woven within this message is the story of John and Eunice, who decide not to marry but instead to serve the Watchtower full-time. They conclude that they will someday have children,but not until after Armageddon. "Armageddon is surely near," John said. "We can well defer our marriage until lasting peace comes to the earth. Now we must add nothing to our burdens, but be free and equipped to serve the Lord...Eunice, my decision is made." 28
Eunice and John are now in their 70s, still waiting for Armageddon, which in 1941 was prophesied to occur very soon.
I wonder how many jws are in their position, having never married or never had kids, never saved money for their old age, never owned property, and are now counting the cost of their sacrifice? It's no wonder so many who have made those kind of sacrifices do suffer from mental problems sooner or later in life. I spent over 20 years waiting for the falsely - promised paradise, and felt cheated by the wts when I finally saw through the bs. To spend 60 or 70 years waiting for nothing must be devastating.
The watchtower has a lot to answer for, in my opinion.
But you are not a JW JH. So there must be another reason why you are nuts!
Well, if I ask the elders, they will say I am... ...........................nuts
I believe it, because in my family who are still in they all take prozack.
My mother in law before she died,wife before she died, oldest daughter, son in law , their 18 yo daughter is way over weight and fighting depression. The entire congo in Clearlake, Ca had some type of depression related illness. Most drank like the brewries were going to shut down.
Me, well, that chapter has to be writen.
About four percent of the eligible Swedish population was judged psychologically "unfit" for military service, and the corresponding figure for Witnesses was 21 percent, or five times greater
I would think that is a good thing. Being psychologically fit for modern warfare would make you a right wing Bush Republican. Not that I'm defending the witnesses. Theres a reason the military only takes young people, its because there dumb and full of cum. Maybe psychologically unfit equates to having an awareness that war is wrong.