My Back Has Gone Kaplunk

by Undecided 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    My right leg has had a little pain for about a week, but yesterday it began to hurt so bad I could hardly stand it. I stood up straight and bent back alittle and felt my back hurt, evidently the nerve is being pinched. Don't know whether to go to a doc or wait a while to see if it gets better. I can sit in a chair and it is OK but if I walk it hurts bad. Just something else to add to the trouble going on right now. All the family has a bad cold virus, so far I've been spared but I guess that will be next.

    Ken P.

  • megsmomma

    Ken...It's those "golden globes" you've been carrying around all your life!! Just kidding!

    I do have some advise for you for the cold coming around. Get some Emergen-C. It is sold at Wal-mart, wal-greens, CVS, health food stores....near other cold and flu products. It is a dose of vitamins that really seems to keep the illnesses away.

    Maybe try a heat pad for your back....or a chiropractor?

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Take my advice on this DON"T Wait to see a Chiro or Doctor .Go NOW

    Last month I was out dancing and something popped in my hip, the next day I was in severe pain and could barely walk . I didn't go to the doctor just treated it myself with ice packs and ibuprofen . Well it ended up throwing my lower back out ,and pinching a nerve were I couldn't sit,stand or walk !!!!! Then when I decided to finally go to the doctor I couldn't because of the holiday's ......I ended up in the ER for pain killers and muscle relaxants .

    It has taken over a month to get things back to normal ! I learned my lesson .......except I still want to go dancing again :)

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Take my advice on this DON"T Wait to see a Chiro or Doctor .Go NOW

    Last month I was out dancing and something popped in my hip, the next day I was in severe pain and could barely walk . I didn't go to the doctor just treated it myself with ice packs and ibuprofen . Well it ended up throwing my lower back out ,and pinching a nerve were I couldn't sit,stand or walk !!!!! Then when I decided to finally go to the doctor I couldn't because of the holiday's ......I ended up in the ER for pain killers and muscle relaxants .

    It has taken over a month to get things back to normal ! I learned my lesson .......except I still want to go dancing again :)

  • Fe2O3Girl

    I believe an osteopath could put you right.

  • jaguarbass

    Keep your hands washed and dont touch your eyes. That may help you avoid the cold. Sounds like the cows out of the barn on your other condition.

    Hope you feel better and have better times soon.

  • Undecided

    I used Google and I think I can diagnose my back problem better than my doc, since I can feel what is going on. I think it will get better after a few days if I take a few walks and take it easy. I'll give it a try and see, since the doctors office is closed during the weekend.

    Ken P.

  • UnConfused

    Ken, IMHO google can't beat a doc - the doc can give you things like oxycondone for instance. Seriously have a good doc have a look and for goodness sakes get better!

  • Virgochik

    Hurry, take your vitamin C and some Echinacea, and youll fend off that cold! Hand sanitizer helps a lot too, and spray Lysol on surfaces everybody with the crud has touched. Then you'll have a fighting chance.

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