Creation Book - An Odd Statement - Part 2

by Amazing 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Once in a while, I run across statements the Society has made, and I sit back and marvel at the implications. Here is one that when you read it, it can flow by easily ... but if your eyes stop long enough to allow a second thought ... well ... you can judge for yourself:

    Creator book, Page 7: "Actually, the trend to dismiss religion or God has roots in philosophies of men who stressed pure reason."

    What, besides reason, do we really have? Even faith is based on reason! Then - here comes the blockbuster quote! Are you ready for this one:

    Creator book, Page 9: "We invite all who have an open mind to consider this subject [Chapter title: What can add meaning to Your Life]. The book Belief in God and Intellectual Honesty notes that one who possesses "intellectual honesty" is characterized by a "readiness to scrutinize what one believes to be true" and "to pay sufficient attention to other evidence available." ... In the subject at hand, such "evidence available" can help us to see whether there is a Creator behind life and the universe."

    They must be kidding, no? IF ONLY the Jehovah's Witnesses truely believed and applied this notion of "intellectual honesty." They so easily quote and invite open-minded people to consider such things with intellectual honesty, but cannot bear even the simplest and most innocent questions from their own members. Perhaps this is one of the markings of a cult. All of this leads to the next chapter, "How Did Our Universe Get Here - The Controversy." I can hardly wait to read what they could possibly say on this topic in their infinite wisdom and knowledge of physical science and astrophysics. I am especially interested in the "other" evidence available.

    Jim Whitney Go Bears!

  • jaguarbass

    I run across statements the Society has made, and I sit back and marvel at the implications. Here is one that when you read it, it can flow by easily ... but if your eyes stop long enough to allow a second thought ...

    I have found it is more than just the Society that has this problem of appearing confused, it is the human condition. The bible says no man is righteous not one. No man can make the perfect argument with out it caving in like a house of cards. I'm sorry for quoting the bible. I dont know where that came from. And I dont really look to it as a guide for my or anyone elses life.

    I've found the same realization reading political statements and religious statements. Read about chritianity youll find the same double speak. Read about evolution, you will find the same double speak. Man is not wired to know or understand the truth. We are like cows or sheep being tended by our masters. I would love to be wrong about my assessment. But I havent seen the evidence yet.

    I would speculate the answer lies in understanging quantum physics.

  • zack

    I have long beleived the Writing Department exists divided. I have seen different factions at work depending on the book or article.

    Also, it is evidence that the Org. Masters themselves possess no overarching vision for their pronouncements... How can you rule the Universe by committee when they can't agree on what they really beleive?

  • stillajwexelder

    ***ctchap.1pp.7-9WhatCanAddMeaningtoYourLife?*** DoingWithoutaCreator—Why?Actually, the trend to dismiss religion or God has roots in philosophies of men who stressed pure reason. Charles Darwin felt that "natural selection" explains the living world better than does the existence of a Creator. Sigmund Freud taught that God was an illusion. And the view that ‘God is dead’ extends from the time of Friedrich Nietzsche down to our day. Oriental philosophies are similar. Teachers of Buddhism hold that there is no need to know about God. As to Shinto, Professor Tetsuo Yamaori stated that "gods are nothing but humans.


    thinking people see the need to have a purpose, something that gives meaning to their life.

    We invite all who have an open mind

    to consider this subject. The book BeliefinGodandIntellectualHonesty notes that one who possesses "intellectual honesty" is characterized by a "readiness to scrutinize what one believes to be true" and "to pay sufficient attention to other evidence available."

    These statements really anger me

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