Why am I having trouble posting?

by Bonnie_Clyde 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    I typed an article from the Wall Street Journal in "Notebook" (because I don't know how to scan), pasted, and submitted. I keep getting an error message...three times.

  • skyking

    Sometime you needed to use outside web page that you download the article too and then use that URL to post the article. I you have noticed many people like to post pics.. and this is how it is done. Do you know how to do this?

  • Bonnie_Clyde
    Sometime you needed to use outside web page that you download the article too and then use that URL to post the article. I you have noticed many people like to post pics.. and this is how it is done. Do you know how to do this?

    Don't know how...But this was a paper copy of the Wall Street Journal. I decided to type it. First I did it in Microsoft Word, then remembered I had problems with that program in the past trying to paste, so I copied it to "Word Pad." Then I copied, pasted, and everything looked good. I submitted and there was an error message every time. I thought I could have had too much material, but I don't think so. It was about 2 pages long and I've seen longer posts.

  • skyking

    I'll walk you through it, go to this link on a separate web page http://tinypic.com/ then click on upload image. Then click on browse find your pic or web page then either double click on pic or highlight page address. then on tinypic page click on upload. Your pic or page should down load to tiny pic. Then on JWD you will see the square box that is yellow, to the very left of the smiley face and the right of the box with the e in it. click your courser where you usually type your responses in then go up to that yellow box and click on it.

    Then tinypic page pic source age and highlight the address in the URL Link: for email and instant messenger and paste it there to the JWD box that came up when you clicked the yellow box paste it into the field provided picture source then click ok the pic should of downloaded to JWD.

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