I wonder how many more years it'll be before we see two tablets out front of Patterson or inscribed in the secret Elder's Manual:
We are your Lord and God. You shall not have other gods before us, including Jesus or Jehovah.
You must not question anything we say or do.
You must not watch Dateline or 20/20.
Remember Saturday morning Field Service to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all your work: But Saturday morning Service you shall do even more, both you, your wife, your son, your daughter, your manservant, and even your cattle, lest you perish at Armageddon.
Honour thy father and thy mother except on Mother's Day and Father's Day, lest we disfellowship you.
Thou shalt not read Crisis of Conscience;
Thou shalt not commit adultery, but pedophilia is okay.
Thou shalt not go to university.
Thou shalt not bear witness against thy brother in court if he's charged with molesting your son or your daughter, lest it look bad for us.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's job, credentials, free time, education or his happy life.
Any other Commandments you can see them putting out front?