Tekniske problemer

by OhHappyDay 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • OhHappyDay

    This is what I get when accessing the Observer:

    Tekniske problemer

    Vår tekniske leverandør har i natt hatt havari på et av deres datasystemer. Det betyr at nettsidene ikke er tilgjengelig for øyeblikket.
    Det jobbes på spreng for å løse problemene og vi er tilbake så fort som overhodet mulig.

    Vi beklager dette på det sterkeste


  • ashitaka

    translation-"You are screwed."

    I took a few years of that language. Really paid off.

    "I pray that I may never see the desert again-hear me God."-Robert Bolt

  • OhHappyDay

    Your translation proves that english is the shortest language worldwide...:)

  • Kent

    My ISP has some problems at the moment, and the websites on their servers (newspapers) has all been down most of the day. I talked to them on the phone, and they're working like hell to get the stuff running again - but I don't know what's the real problem.

    The text implies it's someone else than my ISP that do have the problem - but on the other hand - I can't say for sure.

    There is one datasystem that has crashed badly, it seems. So, I just hope the Watchtower Observer will be up running shortly.

    Yakki Da


    I need more BOE letters, KMs and other material. Those who can send it to me - please do! The new section will be interesting!!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

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