In a discussion with a friend recently he told me that the wts gives reasons behind why the all the different blood parts are acceptable scripturally. Personally I have kept up much with it so I had no arguement. Does the wts give reasons why all these things are acceptable? If so what are they? He also said there was a recent KM that listed the different blood treatments and why they are a conscience matter, is this true? If so does anyone have a copy? His arguements were weak so should be hard to disarm but I still need some ammo.
Blood parts scriptural???
by searching4truth 3 Replies latest jw friends
Yes there is a KM insert listing acceptable fractions.
No, they really don't give a good reason. They can't. It defies logic.
I assume they hope that by keeping the majority undereducated they won't notice their faulty reasoning. My guess is that this very issue may ultimately be their undoing. It's just too silly to accept.
I didn't think that they had scriptural backing for the use of blood parts but I haven't been in over a year so maybe they have added some. Though, I found out something that I thought was rather interesting. I know a couple that are Orthordox Jews, almost Hasidic (sp?), they have rules on everything. Their meat has to be soaked in a brine solution, no eating of blood is allowed at all. They can't use a knife that has ever cut meat to cut anything else except meat but when I asked them what their stand was on blood transfusions, they told me that blood transfusions are life saving and that life is more important than the law.
Anyway, just a side point. Sorry I am not more help with the scriptural aspect.
A good site for keeping up to date on blood issues.