What if you had to write a statement of beliefs for the WTS?

by whyizit 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyizit

    Many churches have a written statement of faith, out-lining what their beliefs are. That way, visitors know exactly what the church teaches and believes. They get an idea of what to expect.

    If you had to write out a statement of faith for the WTS, to show exactly what they believe, without hiding anything, what would it include? Based on this statement of faith, how many people do you think would be interested in joining the WTS, if they read this upon first meeting with a JW at the door?

  • AuldSoul


    We believe that Jehovah is God Almighty; He is unequaled by anyone or anything, matchless in power, love, justice, wisdom, holiness and righteousness; only He is deserving of worship, glory, honor, and praise.


    We believe that Jesus is the Son of Jehovah; the exact representation of his Father, so completely alike that to have seen one is to have seen the other; he is worthy of glory, honor, and praise; he is deserving of "worship" so long as that worship only involves doing obeisance in the First Century CE; he is the savior, ransomer, redeemer, King, and High Priest for all mankind whether or not they know or recognize this fact; he is the mediator for all men so far as prayers to Jehovah are concerned, but only for 144,000 in any legal sense. We believe no one should talk to him.

    I'd guess just with these two you'd cut the number of ready baptizees in half. I am sure there are many more. Interesting topic!

  • AuldSoul

    I was sure this one was going to get more than one reply, whyizit. I hope I didn't kill it.

  • JeffT

    We believe that you have to believe what we tell you to believe and nothing else. If you don't believe God will kill you, and we won't talk to you in the mean time.

    This is the statement from my church (Overlake Christian Church in Redmond, WA www.occ.org)

    As an independent, nondenominational church, Overlake Christian Church believes the Bible to be divinely inspired and inerrantII Timothy 3:16-17. Man is by nature a sinner from birth Psalms 51:5. Jesus Christ was virgin-born, sinless, died on the cross for our sins, was raised from the dead on the third day and is coming again Matthew 1:18; Hebrews 4:15;I Corinthians 15:3-4;John 14:3. Salvation is a free gift, bestowed by God's grace and received by faith Ephesians 2:8-9. Immersion in water of a professed believer is the Bible baptism Acts 8:36-39 and such baptism is symbolic of Christ's death, burial and resurrection Romans 6:1-4. A believer's salvation is secured by Christ alone John 10:27-28. The church is the bride of Christ Ephesians 5:25-33 and the body of Christ I Corinthians 12. The local church is governed by godly men known as elders Titus 1:5ff. The purpose of the church on earth is to fulfill the last command of Jesus Matthew 28:18-20. Christians are endowed with spiritual gifts which enable them to minister in the church Ephesians 4:11ff. The Holy Spirit, whom every believer receives at conversion Ephesians 1:13-14, leads and guides us.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    somebody emailed me this list (though it doesn't paint a pretty picture):

    It's called Watchtower 101:

    From this link: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/2919/reasons.html, but I pasted it below as well.

    Of all items listed, only three have been discontinued. (marked with an asterisk) All are listed, however, to show the absurdity of Watchtower authority and the absolute control leadership has over the lives of members once they join.

    1. Jehovah God is not a Trinity
    2. The doctrine of the Trinity is inspired by Satan
    3. Jesus Christ is a created being, who at one time did not exist (a.k.a.Michael the archangel)
    4. The Holy Spirit is not a person but is "God's active force" i.e. gravity, electricity etc.
    5. Heaven is only for select Jehovah's Witnesses
    6. Heaven is limited only to 144,000 Jehovah's Witnesses
    7. Jehovah's Witnesses are the only true Christians
    8. There is no Hell (It is simply the grave)
    9. There is no life after death (except for the 144,000)
    10. Salvation is by good works not by Grace
    11. You cannot be sure of salvation
    12. Jesus is not to be worshiped or prayed to
    13. Jesus did not rise from the dead bodily but as a spirit being
    14. You are discouraged from attending college
    15. The "first resurrection" occurred in 1918
    16. All pastors are the "Antichrist"
    17. All churches are of Satan
    18. All governments are controlled by Satan
    19. You cannot take a blood transfusion
    20. You cannot be a police officer
    21. You cannot salute the flag, stand for the national anthem, or own a flag
    22. You cannot serve in the military
    23. You cannot buy girl Scout cookies
    24. You must attend five meetings per week
    25. Jesus'second coming occurred in 1914 (only known to Jehovah's Witnesses)
    26. You cannot marry a non-Jehovah's Witness
    27. If one does not follow the rules of the Watchtower they will be shunned
    28. You cannot read Christian literature from a Christian book store
    29. You cannot be a cheerleader
    30. You cannot celebrate any holidays (Christmas, Easter, etc.)
    31. You cannot celebrate your birthday
    32. You cannot run for or hold a political office
    33. You cannot vote in any political campaign
    34. You cannot serve on a jury
    35. You are discouraged from giving to charity (except Watchtower causes)
    36. You cannot speak to former members who are shunned (disfellowshipped)
    37. You cannot accept Christmas gifts
    38. You must read and study Watchtower literature regularly
    39. Only Jehovah's Witnesses can understand the Bible
    40. Angels direct the Watchtower organization
    41. Jesus did not die on a cross but an upright pole
    42. You cannot own or wear a cross
    43. You must report your witnessing activity to the elders
    44. You must go from door to door weekly to gain converts
    45. You cannot have friends who are not Jehovah's Witnesses
    46. You must refer to all Jehovah's Witnesses as "brother" or "sister"
    47. You cannot play chess*
    48. You cannot understand the Bible without Watchtower literature to explain it
    49. A child abuser is reported to Watchtower elders and not the police
    50. You must forgo vacations to attend annual conventions
    51. You are discouraged from buying a two door car-A "Theocratic" or "spiritually strong" Jehovah's Witness will have a full size car for the door to door work
    52. Men cannot wear beards
    53. Men must wear short hair
    54. Women cannot pray in the presence of men without a hat
    55. You cannot have a tattoo
    56. You're forbidden to use any tobacco products
    57. Only officially approved sexual practices are allowed in marriage
    58. You must appear before a Judicial committee if you are caught breaking Watchtower rules (Secret files are kept on all members which record these meetings-these files are kept in New York and are never destroyed)
    59. You must not own wind-chimes (they are for chasing away evil spirits)*
    60. You cannot read any anti-Jehovah's Witness material
    61. You cannot use pet foods made with blood or blood products
    62. You cannot join any clubs or sports teams
    63. You cannot wear jade jewelry*
    64. You cannot purchase Christian products (books, music, plaques, pictures etc.)
    65. You cannot wear any Christian jewelry
    66. Jehovah's Witness meeting places have no windows
    67. If you see another Jehovah's Witness breaking the rules you must turn them in to the elders to be interrogated
    68. Jesus could have sinned and failed in his mission
    69. Jesus was not born the savior but became the savior at his baptism
    70. The Watchtower organization is God's prophet on earth today
    71. Women must submit to Watchtower elders
    72. You cannot support your country
    73. One must study Watchtower books at least six months before he can be baptized
    74. Before baptism, one must answer over 80 questions in front of a panel of elders
    75. Most of The Book of Revelation applies to the Jehovah's Witnesses
    76. You cannot celebrate Mothers or Fathers day (it may produce pride)
    77. Kingdom Halls cannot have pews for seating
    78. JWs are are fobidden to say "good luck"
    79. God is not omniscient "all knowing"
    80. God is not omnipresent
    81. God only speaks through the "Governing Body" in Brooklyn, New York
    82. The Holy Spirit is only for select Jehovah's Witnesses
    83. The Lord's supper is only to be eaten by select Jehovah's Witnesses (144,000 group-99.99% of Jehovah's Witnesses are forbidden from taking the Lord's supper)
    84. The Lord's supper can only be offered once per year
    85. JWs in times of crisis, are strongly discouraged from consulting with family counselors, including mental health professionals who are not Jehovah's Witnesses
    86. Only faithful Jehovah's Witnesses will survive Armageddon
    87. If you have a non-Witness spouse your first loyalty is to the elders over your spouse
    88. Jesus was equal to Adam (just a man)
    89. Judgment day is 1000 years long
    90. If you leave Jehovah's Witnesses or are expelled from the organization you will not be resurrected
    91. Only Jehovah's Witness prayers are heard by God
    92. Man's salvation is secondary in God's plan; Jesus was sent to "vindicate Jehovah's name"
    93. God will destroy all non-Jehovah's Witnesses at armageddon
    94. You forbidden to say "God bless you" when someone sneezes.
    95. You must never enter a church building
    96. You must never attend a church service
    97. You cannot be involved in martial arts, boxing or wrestling
    98. You cannot participate in a school play
    99. You cannot donate blood or your organs when you die
    100. You can never question what is printed in Watchtower literature
    10l. You are forbidden to attend a funeral of an ex-Jehovah's Witness

    What they're called...

    -JW services are called "meetings"
    -JW hymnals are called "song books" (all songs have to be composed by JWs)
    -The JW religion is referred to by the Witnesses as "The Truth"
    -The JWs call themselves "The only true Christians"
    -The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society Inc. of Brooklyn, New York is called "God's Organization"
    -In conversation JWs call Watchtower headquarters "The Society"
    -All other religions (pagan, Christian, or any world religion) are called "Babylon the Great"
    -All Christian pastors and ministers are called the "Antichrist"
    -Changes in doctrine is called "New Light"
    -The five meetings JWs must attend are called:

    1. Public Talk
    2. Watchtower Study
    3. Area Book Study
    4. Theocratic School
    5. Service Meeting

    -A non-Witness is called "a worldly person"
    -A person who rejects the JW message is called a "goat"
    -A person who is studying to become a JW is called "a study"
    -God's judgment on all non JWs is called "Armageddon"
    -The JW Bible is called "New World Translation
    -The door to door work is called "the Service"
    -Those who bring "new light" or new revelations to the JWs are called "The faithful and discreet slave"
    -JWs who have an earthly hope are called "Other Sheep"
    -Old term for earthly hope "Jonadab"
    -JWs who have a heavenly hope are called "Anointed Remnant"
    -A JW who is enthusiastic is called "theocratic"
    -Every JW is called a "Publisher"
    -Part time door to door workers are called "Auxiliary Pioneers"
    -Full time door to door workers are called "Regular Pioneers"
    -Full time door to door workers who have stricter quotas than Regular Pioneers, are called "Special Pioneers"
    -Appointed Local leaders are called "Elders"
    -Appointed Local helpers/workers are called "Ministerial Servants"
    -The group responsible for discipline are called "The Judicial Committee"
    -A traveling Watchtower representative is called a "Circuit Overseer"
    -The Circuit Overseer's boss is called "District Overseer"
    -The District Overseer's boss is called "Zone Overseer"
    -The Zone Overseer's boss is called "Branch Overseer"
    -The Brooklyn, New York Headquarters is called "Bethel"
    -Headquarters workers are called "Bethelites"
    -A person who is a weak Witness is called "unspiritual" or "Un-theocratic"
    -A JW who is publicly disciplined by the elders is called "publicly reproved"
    -A JW who is privately disciplined by the elders is called "privately reproved"
    -A JW who rejects Watchtower teachings and leaves or is expelled is called "an apostate"
    -A JW who breaks any of the Watchtower rules and does not repent to the elders is "disfellowshipped" (Shunned)
    -A disfellowshipped person who wants to return to the organization, repents to the elders and is called "reinstated"
    -Jehovah's Witness meeting places are called "Kingdom Halls"

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?


    If you had to write out a statement of faith for the WTS, to show exactly what they believe, without hiding anything, what would it include? Based on this statement of faith, how many people do you think would be interested in joining the WTS, if they read this upon first meeting with a JW at the door?

    Without hiding anything? I'd say NOBODY would be interested in joining, if they got an accurate picture ahead of time of what they were in for.

  • reneeisorym

    1. W e believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and translated by anonomous translators from the WatchTower, Bible, and Tract Society.
    2. We believe there is only one living and true God, Eternal, with unlimited power, creator of all things and that the one God's name is Jehovah.
    3. W e believe that mankind's only hope of redemption is by witnessing door to door ten hours a month, go to 5 weekly meetings, and at least 3 hours of personal study. It would increase your changes if you were to become a volunteer full time minister or a full-time elder.
    4. W e believe the the outward evidene to others of your faith is a life of service and works.
    5. W e believe that Water Baptism by immersion, in the Name of the Father, of the son and of the spirit guided organization.
    6. W e believe that it is against God's law to take blood transfustions even if it means your death.
    7. W e believe that the Lord's Supper is to be practiced once a year but 99.7% of participants will not partake.
    8. W e believe that celebrating holidays, birthdays, watching movies with magic in them, saying, "Bless You." is against God's law.
    9. W e believe that there is a devil and with his demons they can haunt you if you buy things from unbelievers.
    10. W e believe that the hope for 99.7% is to live on a paradise earth forever and live like the Amish. 144,000 will go to heaven and rule with Christ over the earth.
    11. W e believe that Armageddon is coming soon and will kill all who are not active Jehovah's Witnesses. They will be denied even a proper funeral and will be eaten by birds.
  • betterdaze

    renee, You really nailed it!

    Mind if I add one more?

    12. We believe that Satan runs the Interweb through his apostate legions. They have taken over eBay.


  • whyizit


    Thanks for the responses. (See Auld Soul, you weren't the kiss of death on this subject. We were just waiting for quality, rather than quantity.)

    I'm tempted to mail the lists anonymously to my friend who is thinking of joining the WTS, so she could be up-front and honest with the people who she attempts to recruit. I doubt that she even knows all of the things that are listed.

    Thanks so much!

  • avidbiblereader

    What ever you would write it would have to followed up by what is stated on the bottom of our MLS sheets which reads as follows

    "Information is deemed reliable but not garunteed"


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