Has it ever occurred to any one that, unlikely as it seems, JWs could continue as a religion if the Watchtower collapses? Of course, I don't mean that all congregations would continue to exist - many, or even most, would probably fade away too. However, there may be a few Congregations with enough enlightened leadership to keep their people together. These Congregations might go their own separate ways or some might unite in some sort of new organization/alliance or even several such groups. Who knows? There may even be a few Elders already in place who are astute enough to see the handwriting on the wall and are quietly and subtlely making preparations for such an eventuality. Of couse, this pure speculation on my part, but it would certainly be interesting to see what direction the new religion(s) would take. Zapper_1
JWs after the Watchtower?
by Zapper_1 1 Replies latest jw friends
Didn't that scenario already take place in the 1920's, when the majority of the bible students broke away from the Rutherford-controlled Watchtower Society? Aren't there several dozen splinter groups such as "Dawn bible Students", "Bible Students of "Chicago", etc. etc. etc.?
In the unlikely event of a Watchtower collapse, though, I could see similar things happening now, as you have described.