Well folks, what shall I do??

by Junction-Guy 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy
  • UnConfused

    Oh do play the dumb householder and say you have a friend or relative who chatted with you once about it and you could never by the Old light - new light thing. Doesn't that make Old Light a lie and doesn't that mean that are out preaching a lie.

  • Crumpet

    hard to advise - do you mean they just keep to preach the dub news or did they come to find out why you arent at meetings? if its the first then its a great opportunity to do anti-witness like tetrapod sapien did so eleoquently yesterday. But if its the latter then they just want rope to hang you with so you have decide if you are ready to be hung yet and what you want to be hung for.

    (pesky moles!)

  • Junction-Guy

    Sorry I had to edit this

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    Oh funfunfun..

    well..are you in the mood for cat and mouse games? You can be the innocent householder with a bit of the insecure victim and keep them coming back. That would be fun. I haven't done that yet because I would have to go on a housecleaning bonanza and put tons of Bible commentaries, dictionaries, JW books and JW related books into hiding.

    I pack a bunch of information into their heads outside and wait till they come back. They sometimes do, sometimes don't, new person comes or much time passes in between.

    You know guys, all you have to do is request a free home bible study online to get some impotent important dubs at your door. Only works if you have moved of course. But it is fun.

  • Junction-Guy
  • Bryan

    ****, you said:


    Edited for privacy.


  • Bryan

    ****, I believe you still have time to edit your post. Erase what you need to.

    Edited for privacy.


  • Junction-Guy

    Thanks Bryan, I just did that. Im on my way to bed now.

  • Rooster

    Just call Ghost-busters.

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