I still can't believe the compartamentalism of the average JW on blood !

by 5go 7 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • 5go

    I mean the PO said this and that substance is made from blood and is OK for JW to take. But still you can't have blood or primaries. No one in the audience batted an eye. Just OK where do I sign. How do I make this piece of paper a binding living will.

    What about the kids, funny he didn't mention that the HLC is complacent with hospitals forcing blood on kids. Even to the point of telling parents to just let it happen we don't want a scene. In fact he said they are sucessful in getting hospital to go along no blood for kids.

    Then he mentioned something about that anonymous bloodless hospital. Then he mentioned the USC has the only bloodless liver and kidney surgery abilty in the world thanks to them. ( funny the brother that died recently from cancer of those regins who refused the surgery to fix it because of blood would have loved to known this ) Oh and the society is training army doctors in the wonders of bloodless treatments. Funny the VA who refused to pay for the affore mentioned brother's surgery because he didn't want blood isn't so intrested.

  • Stephanus

    JC Committee: Why did you allow them to give you whole blood?

    Dub: I asked them for fractions only; they must have forgotten to break it down first!

  • 5go

    Good one like that !

    And another thing good news in away Only 30% of dubs filled out those stuipid forms. According to him.

  • Stephanus

    You can't eat a whole orange, but you can eat its segments.

    Only 30% of dubs filled out those stuipid forms.

    If true, that is indeed encouraging.

    What's with the stupid form, anyway? Why not just let people argue with emergency room staff as their conscience permits, and if they're unconscious, then whatever happens, transfusion or not, is Jehovah's will? Oh, I forgot, the doctrine was adopted in order to keep the Dubs controversial after the draft died down at the end of WWII.

  • Cold Creek Swimmer
    Cold Creek Swimmer

    Isn't that a bit like saying "I can't eat pork, but I cook with bacon grease"?

  • garybuss

    I still haven't seen a current blood card of the wallet size. Is it true those are no longer provided or used? When was the last one issued?

  • 5go

    They bascicaly took the DPA and turned it into the blood card so now you have this bulky thing that does fit near your licence anymore ( maybe that was by design ) Few dubs bother with the DPA and I bet few bother with that anymore.

    It looks just like the last one when folded it's just really fat.

  • BluesBrother
    Only 30% of dubs filled out those stuipid forms

    Heard a C/O talk recently and he encouraged all present to complete their forms. The strong implication was that they knew that a large number have not completed them. Why? It is too darn complicated and your average dub doesn't want to face all of that...

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