if in our lifetime there happens to be huge cataclysmic events that happen on earth, like mass volcanic erruptions coupled with tsunamis, or pole shift etc... would you have a trouble in thinking that it wasn't armageddon? would you pray to good old jovo?
Earth Changes v Armageddon
by Pleasuredome 6 Replies latest jw friends
Well, no. But i would think maybe its time we start exploring other worlds or something. Seems to me we are ruining this one pretty quick. Man is great in its destruction capabilities...
I think a pole shift would wipe Florida out. There would be no time to pray.
If I find myself in dare circumstances and unable to pray, I have my pass prayers to lean upon. Confidence, hope and faith in the Almighty with save my sorry ***.
would you have a trouble in thinking that it wasn't armageddon?
Not at all! I'd just put the blame on those ruining the earth. We can't allow millions of acres of tropical rainforest to be felled, seas to be polluted and land continually laid bare under "progress". Nature will just fight back.
Nathan Natas
Armageddon is supposed to be a SUPERNATURAL event, a manifestation of the invisible spirit realm conjuncted with our physical realm.
It isn't a thunderstorm or an earthquake. It isn't the Yellowstone caldera opening up and destroying 1/3 of the USA. These things have happened before, though not neccessarily within our memory. It wasn't Armageddon 600,000 years ago when the Yellowstone caldera last poped, and it won't be Armageddon when it happens again.
It is supposed to be so clearly "of God" that unbelievers would be convinced.
Because I am an atheist and do not believe in the existence of an invisible spirit realm or invisible spirit superheros, I think we are safe from THAT eventuality. There will be wars, storms, and earthquakes, but there will never be an Armageddon.
would you pray to good old jovo?
No. I would just start drinking lots of beer!