If you are a "fader" like me, how did you handle the medical directive this year? We have a book study overseer (I am a fader) who insisted that everyone be present together and display their own completed medical directive. Did you faders out there not even fill one out, did you fill it out and throw it away, or do you carry yours and hope you never have to use it? I don't even have my medical directive on file with my primary care and I don't carry a wallet so I got away with not having a card this year. However, I don't even want to think about the World War 3 that would start should my zealous wife and I ever go head to head about what to do should the kids need a transfusion... They are getting the blood if I have my way - (and I WILL have my way!)
Wouldn't that be a weird way to blow the cover off of a successful fade? (A fight over transfusion rights)...