My Family had an experiance where a family member was to have a serious medical procedure in a different city from where they lived. We thought they would get good suport from the HLC in that town. Boy was we wrong! They were basicaly ignored, if the Family member would have been high up on the witness ladder they would have got lots of attention, sad thing is the family member died and the majority of the Family still has Faith in the Organazations policy. The moral of this story is this. Don't expect a lot of attention from the HLC unless you are a somebody in the ORG. peons get ignored. seek2find
HLC shows favoritism
by seek2find 9 Replies latest watchtower medical
They seem to have some serious slip ups in the hospital liason committee, whether one needs blood or not. I had to go get my mom mags. when my dad and her were in the hosp. cause the local (both her cong. and others depending on where) cong. didn't manage to visit. At all.
I know that's possible,,However, I wondering if the individual elders on HLC are weakening. With all these fractions being okay now and possibility of future lawsuits on them, maybe they are not "gung-ho" on their responsibility or position. I don't envy their spot for sure. They are caught between the "Devil (WT Society) and the deep blood sea".
Sam Beli
I had a similar experience over a decade ago. HLC members in two different major cities where unwilling to assist me in finding a specialized surgeon for my special problem. I finally found one on my own with a little help from an "employee" of a "bloodless center." I think he got in trouble for helping me.
Some major medical centers have come to regard the HLC persons as like the "gestapo" of Hitler's regime. They are there as policemen, not as compassionate pastors.
Madame Quixote
I am so sorry for your loss.
Perhaps such recent HLC 'indifference' is less the result of favortism, but rather the result of fear (of being held accountable for HLC invasiveness during emotional family duress).
I suspect the WB&TS is seeking to disband HLCs; or else, individual elders and congregations are simply washing their hands of the blood transfusion "gestapo" dilemma, because they rightfully fear being held accountable for the results of promoting irrational ideas to people in duress.
Not to beat a dead horse to death, but if you have not already looked, see attorney Kerry Louderback-Wood's article entitled "Jehovah's Witnesses, Blood Transfusions And The Tort Of Misrepresentation," reviewed at ajwrb.
Anyone facing the blood transfusion dilemma should carefully review that article before making a decision based on what the JWs have told them, orally or in writing. Maybe your JW family would like to see it, too.
I suspect the WB&TS is seeking to disband HLCs
I do not think so. I see a lot of interest and ongoing training going on. A HLC member told me that they could do with more members to spread the load. Maybe that is why some incidents of poor service have occurred.
From what that guy said, I got the impression that it was hard to find willing volunteers of the right calibre. They have to be capable of developing a good relationship with doctors and surgeons, address medical groups , have the ability to cope with trauma and distraught families - and be willing to drop everything at a moments notice to attend an emergency. many elders do you know who could do all of that?
The jw's will never ever recant this policy on blood, too many people have died to date, to make any changes at this state of the game. They know any changes could and would fracture their power base to crumbles. Don't ever expect new light to appear on this subject matter because it never will. Someone's child is going to die, someone's mother, someone's father and all humanity will cry because of it, all for the sick and perverse reason for men wanting power, what a slap in face to humanity !
Sam Beli
...I got the impression that it was hard to find willing volunteers of the right calibre. They have to be capable of developing a good relationship with doctors and surgeons, address medical groups , have the ability to cope with trauma and distraught families - and be willing to drop everything at a moments notice to attend an emergency. many elders do you know who could do all of that?
The current brain-drain only makes this problem worse. Even so, make no mistake, their chief purpose is to make sure that JWs do "not give in to worldly pressure to take blood."
When my son Dak was in an auto accident in 2001 and rushed to the hospital, we were pretty much on our own until we arrived at the 2nd trauma hospital. All the Elders of our congregation showed up to support us and keep us from allowing blood. But because of North Carolina law, doctors have the right to give minor's blood even though parents may object. My husband and my son made it clear that he wanted no blood transfusions. At the first hospital no blood was give because Dak (age 15) himself had said no blood before he was put into a drug induced coma to save him. At the second hospital they did give him blood because no one was there to stop them and the law fully protected the surgeon. For this I was grateful, but the lapse in giving Dak blood immediately caused his heart to weaken so much he died anyway.
Blood transfusions are essential in emergency situations.
My children's father became outraged that the Doctor had tried to save Dak with blood transfusions. He wanted to sue but the HLC told him to forget it that the law protected the doctor and the hospital and basically he had no right to complain or fight the law. They would not back him up in suing the doctor and hospital. Secretly I was glad over this as my then JW husband was an arrogant man. All he cared about was that Dak had refused blood and that refusal assured his resurrection he thought. I hated all of those who found a sick joy in this, as they tried to turn this tragedy into something to celebrate for the Watchtower society. Just one more victim of their wicked blood policy. Today I work as a volunteer with AJWRB.ORG sharing Dak's story. My children's father and I divorced over this and today my other two sons age 23 & 19 are also out of the witnesses like I am.
One of the last nails in the coffin for me was this:
Some JW friends have a son with a serious birth defect. The child has had numerous operations and one of the times I found out that HLC would not assist them DUE TO THE FAMILY'S LOW FS HOURS AND MEETING ATTENDANCE!!!! **sigh**
Now this was a couple raised as JW's in the area and everybody knew them. I was outraged at this. They told me they understood that there has to be "rules" and that was just one of them. Although hurt, they didn't want to focus on that with an ill child.
But for was another nail...I don't want to be around people that treat others that way.
I am sorry for your loss.