Wanted! 43 users!

by + 0 Replies latest jw friends

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    Wanted! We still look for 43 users the go along with that want

    See also here:

    and here:
    VISIONS OF ANGELS at my home

    and here:
    VISIONS OF ANGELS in Germany

    Here one first Snapshot of the film:

    This is a special effect with “whitebox”.

    One includes a black baking tray…

    unite can and white color…

    a big broad brush…

    set up the camera on the black area of the baking tray…

    and paints white color on the black area...

    Put this film sequence on a free picture trace…

    3 seconds film are the result.
    So your picture and your username could appear also approx. three seconds in the Movie:

    Or so:

    Who may go along with that still?

    I need merely your OK this I may mention your username.

    That's all.

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