I noticed while watching the Aussie tennis open that Serina Williams has a tatoo on her back that shows a little when her dress top shifts a little after some intense play. What does the WT think of tattoos particularly on women JWs. I noticed she still does that "Jehovah" thing in her finishing speach, that tells me that she is still in the org. True or false.
JWs and tatoos
by Phil 8 Replies latest jw friends
Tatoos were definitely UNACCEPTABLE when I was in the Borg 10 years ago.
Also pierced ears on men.
Even now, though I encourage my son to get a tattoo and piercing to enhance his hot punk-band image , he resists, saying the brothers frown on it and he doesn't want to call attention to himself, especially since they already disapprove of the band! His hair is also always an issue, and he tries to maintain a stylish but versatile cut so he doesn't look like some 50's brown suit up on the rock stage, or like some rocker on the KH stage when he gives his talks.
I'm happy to say he considering the tattoo however, and has designed some for when he does decide to get one.
Tats are a no-no for jws. I know a recently baptz'd jw who got one and then was promptly given a talking to and was put on notice that another side step and he would be out of the religion.
Another thread noted that the williams sisters were never dunked, therefore, they can thank jah all they want, does not mean that they are jws (at least not in the jws eyes). But think about how funny that is, jws must be steaming because here are two women who people think are jws and yet they are doing forbidden things (like dating non-jw guys, getting tats, touring the world and not serving god in the appropriate jw way)
If only all JWs dressed like this...
The web has a few of her in see through tops too... but they don't belong here.
Now how many JWs deliberately pose with a flag of any nation?
I remember many a talks with warnings against tatoos. It was very much frowned upon. I got one anyway. Than I got another one. And another.
A CO in the last few years told the BOE that the tattoo was present on plenty of brothers from
pre-JW days. The CO said that the brothers (he was referring to elders and MS) should make
every effort to hide the tattoo at all times in the Hall and in the recruiting work. They are a
very big NO. The Williams sisters are supposedly unbaptized publisher (if even publishers) so
they got away with it. They also have money so the elders might not go after them ever for
wrapping themselves in the flag. -
Also pierced ears on men.
I wonder why not since the Watchtower Society loves to identify with Old Testament practices.
Then Aaron replied to them, “Take off the gold rings that are on the ears of your wives, your sons, and your daughters and bring [them] to me.” Ex 32:2
I wonder why not since the Watchtower Society loves to identify with Old Testament practices.
Then Aaron replied to them, “Take off the gold rings that are on the ears of your wives, your sons, and your daughters and bring [them] to me.” Ex 32:2
Good point. They pick and choose which of the OT things to keep applying!