The Public Talk yesterday was about nothing......................again!

by RULES & REGULATIONS 8 Replies latest jw friends


    I try to attend some Sunday meetings just to keep peace in my family .But,it is almost unbearable to listen to these Public Talks.Yesterday,the talk was about Adam and Eve and how they ate the forbidden fruit.How they sinned and now we are all sinners.How they were thrown out of paradise .How the angels came down and had relations with females.That Jesus died for our sins. Only Jehovah's Witnesses who are faithful to the end will inherit Paradise Earth.The earth will be here to time indefinite.The survivors will never die after the 1000 year reign is over.

    How many times have we heard this talk? How many more times can they pound these talks into everyone's brain? Does the WTS repeat these talks on purpose because they know its members are brain dead and are satisfied with the spiritual food?

    I can't sit thru them any longer and wonder how anybody with a brain doesn't suffer from this repetition.

  • Gary1914

    We had a visiting brother give the Public Talk yesterday.

    He was an absolutely horrible speaking.

    He used the word "actually" in each and every sentence he spoke. "Actually" this and "actually" that.

    It was maddening.

  • Paisley
    I can't sit thru them any longer and wonder how anybody with a brain doesn't suffer from this repetition.

    I think they must suffer, as the same old abusive, empty concepts are painfully dull.

  • MinisterAmos

    Awww Jeez man ours was about "Jealousy, for good and bad" to complement the study of the bold host.

    Fortunately I brought a Sci-Fi short story book that I was able to read because it really, really stunk of stupidity, forced "proof" from the scripture and hypocrisy. The PO of one of the sister congoes is quite wealthy, great house on the bay, a fleet of cars, boats etc. Somehow the speaker managed to shoe-horn in that just because a person has a lot of material goods that it does not mean he is "materialistic".

    I'd have to say that directly conflicts with EVERYTHING that I have heard to date. Maybe it's new light preparing us for a WatchTower private jet or something?

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    Once in a blue moon we'll have a speaker at our congregation give an excellent public talk. Excellent meaning that he would be a good speaker, superb teacher and would expound upon the scriptures. Humble and modest as well. These types are far and few in between. Extremely rare. He would have the audience with him all the way through and would make the 45 minutes fly by and seem like only 15 minutes.

    However, I would hear grumbling after the meeting...from our elders. They would say that they speaker only brought attention to himself.

    Can I say "JEALOUSY"!!??

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)

  • LittleToe

    When you've given the same outline a few times it's hard to muster up enthusiasm for it. I had some outlines that I'd given three or four times and they were getting old, and I was a fortunate one as I had well over three dozen outlines. Some of the older Elders might have given the same outline dozens of times. Most folks don't realise that they are getting the same talks every three to four years because there's only a limited number of proscriptive outlines (less than 200).

  • tijkmo

    Once in a blue moon we'll have a speaker at our congregation give an excellent public talk. Excellent meaning that he would be a good speaker, superb teacher and would expound upon the scriptures. Humble and modest as well. These types are far and few in between. Extremely rare. He would have the audience with him all the way through and would make the 45 minutes fly by and seem like only 15 minutes.

    However, I would hear grumbling after the meeting...from our elders. They would say that they speaker only brought attention to himself.

    Can I say "JEALOUSY"!!??

    that would be me then...(especially the humble

    actually little toe makes an interesting point...i must have given all my talks dozens of times...but i never got bored of giving them..i would always use an interesting illustration...not the usual cliched ones..but something that would get the audience thinking..and i would weave this thru the talk and keep on drawing on it and making more applications to it...

    i think the only talk i didnt find very interesting was one that i hadnt done this with ...and so i redid the whole talk..and presented it as a court case..(interestingly the case that franz spoke at in edinburgh scotland. i used the wt articles on it which i now know to be suspect but i did make it exciting at the time.)

    just before i was df....i had just started giving a talk which i probably enjoyed the was based around a bill bryson travel book in which he described the effects of hypothermia..i think i only gave that twice which was a shame even if i say so myself..

    i did have one elder tell me once in a kind of dismissive way that you can have too much of a good thing..(referring to a bit of a backhanded compliment)..i remember thinking that we expect to live in a perfect world so there was something quite amiss in his reasoning.

    but it is true that the basic information given in the talks doesnt the speaker has to find interesting ways to present it..sadly most elders had neither the ability nor the inclination.

    i used to apply the motto from the movie jerry maguire...'mostly they just want to be inspired'

    if my talks didnt move or inspire people than i would think i had failed..and i didnt want to fail

  • moshe

    Most folks don't realise that they are getting the same talks every three to four years because there's only a limited number of proscriptive outlines (less than 200).

    I got bored very quickly with the talk outlines that were available back in the 70's when I was an Elder. The number of talks was even more limited back then. The talks are just motivational speeches, nothing more.

  • mia_b

    Reminds me of when i used to go to meetings and sit there watching everyone nodding like those little dogs in the back of cars and thinking - are you all stupid or am i mad?

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