When did the Watchtower teach 1914 Generation Doctrine for the 1st time?
1914 Generation Doctrine
by averyniceguy 4 Replies latest watchtower bible
I would guess after 1914 replaced 1874? Russell at least taught that the generation ran from 1878 to 1914, if not running even earlier in the 19th century (Battle of Armageddon, 1897, pp. 604-605).
Depends on what you mean by "generation doctrine"
The Watchtower Reprints, October 1890, p. 1243
"The Millennium of peace and blessing would be introduced by forty years of trouble, beginning slightly in 1874 and increasing until social chaos should prevail in 1914"…
moggy lover
To the best of my knowledge the 1874 thing was replaced by the 1914 thingee in 1925. Which would be a convenient time to date the 1914 generation doctrine, in my opinion.
Of course, like a combination of snake oil salesmen and conjurers, they have advanced several apologetics for what the "1914 generation" might mean. Not all of which, as is the latest one, being understandable to the R&F.
“Those who are walking with us in the light of present truth are not looking for things to come which are already here, but are waiting for the consummation of matters already in progress. Or, since the Master said, "When ye shall see all these things," and since "the sign of the Son of Man in heaven," and the budding fig tree, and the gathering of "the elect" are counted among the signs, it would not be inconsistent to reckon the "generation" from 1878 to 1914--36 1/2 years-- about the average of human life today.” (The Battle of Armageddon p. 605)