"Ruth Icela Mena Guzmán, mayoress, announced that the supports have not been limited the catholic faith, also it has contributed to the construction of facilities for Christian Church "God of Prophecy", of Jehovah's Witnesses." In Spanish: http://www.imagenzac.com.mx/2007/01/30/estado1.htm Rehabilitan capillas Iván López IMAGEN TRINIDAD GARCÍA DE LA CADENA.- La obra pública realizada en este Municipio incluye la reparación de capillas en las comunidades La Ceja, La Tetilla, El Barranco y Las Víboras, además de la construcción de una nueva en Las Huertitas. Ruth Icela Mena Guzmán, alcaldesa, anunció que los apoyos no se han limitado a la fe católica, ya que también se ha contribuido a la edificación de instalaciones de la Iglesia Cristiana “El Dios de la Profecía”, de los Testigos de Jehová. Mencionó que el presupuesto del gobierno debe dar respuesta a todos los aspectos que tengan que ver con la ciudadanía incluso en lo religioso y en el fomento de los valores a través de la cultura. A pesar de que gobierno de nuestro País se caracteriza por su carácter laico, la munícipe aseguró que se le ha dado respuesta a las solicitudes ciudadanas que pedían la rehabilitación y construcción de centros religiosos en diferentes poblados. Mena Guzmán resaltó que mantiene una sólida y estrecha comunicación con los miembros de todas las iglesias y sus feligreses, aunque aclaró que respeta y sabe mantenerse al margen de sus funciones como autoridad en lo que se refiere a los asuntos de la religión de sus gobernados.
Mexican county aids KH facilities
by rosa 9 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Translation by Babel Fish:
They rehabilitate Iván chapels Lopez IMAGE TRINIDAD GARCI'A OF the CHAIN. - The public work made in this Municipality includes the repair of chapels in the communities the Eyebrow, the Tetilla, the Precipice and the Vipers, in addition to the construction of a new one in the Huertitas. Ruth Icela Mena Guzmán, mayoress, announced that the supports have not been limited the catholic faith, since also the God of the Prophecy has contributed itself to the construction of facilities of the Christian Church "", of the Witnesses of Jehovah. It mentioned that the budget of the government must give answer to all the aspects that they have to even do with the citizenship in the monk and the promotion of the values through the culture. Although government of our Country is characterized by his lay character, munícipe assured that answer has occurred him to the citizen requests that requested the rehabilitation and construction of religious centers in different towns. Mena Guzmán stood out that it maintains a solid one and narrows communication with the members of all the churches and their feligreses, although it clarified that it respects and it knows to stay to the margin of its functions like authority in which it talks about to the subjects of the religion of governed his.
Why is this a scandal?
In e.g. Norway, Jehovah`s witness get governmental support equivalent of 500,000 US dollars annually.... Each registered denomination gets a specific sum based upon the number of believeres. Although the peak of witnesses last year was some 10,130, the number of JWs according to the National Bureau of Statistics is close to 15,000, because children and non-active members are also listed. (I for instance was listed as a member until I DA three weeks ago, although not having been to a meeting for four years. It was a reliev that my money, although by means of taxation, no longer would go to a group I disagree with)
In Brazil, e.g., when government aids an charitable institution, there is a cooperation in both side. An longer elder - who is member of local KH legal association, said me there are some implications when government build or reform a KH: this place may be used for public interests like elections.
And we know how the WTBTS LOVES Money!
It's a scandal because the Catholic and other such churches actually provide charitable works to people whereas the WTBTS IS A BOOK PUBLISHING COMPANY that does NO charitable works to speak of that is not directed ONLY to its own slaves.
Now, it's the turn of a Spanish City to present a property to Jehovah's Witnesses.
Alhaurín de la Torre
El Ayuntamiento cede un solar a los Testigos de Jehová para la construcción de un templo
Apoyar a los distintos colectivos y confesiones religiosas del municipio. Esta es la línea de actuación que ha mostrado el equipo de gobierno de Alhaurín de la Torre, que ha mostrado su apoyo a las demandas de otras congregaciones religiosas como la Iglesia Católica o la Iglesia Evangelista.
En esta ocasión, el Consistorio ha atendido a las necesidades de los Testigos cristianos de Jehová con la cesión de un terreno de 1.000 metros cuadrados de superficie para la construcción de un templo. La construcción podrá ocupar un máximo del 60 por ciento de la superficie del solar y el inmueble tendrá una altura de tres plantas.
El terreno es una parcela de equipamiento público de titularidad municipal incluida en el plan parcial de la urbanización Retamar II fase, se sitúa en la calle Clipper y se cederá su derecho de uso a la comunidad religiosa de Testigos de Jehová debido al evidente interés social de la actuación pretendida, que implica un beneficio para los vecinos en el ámbito religioso y social. Esta cesión se hará por un periodo de 75 años, por lo que transcurrido este tiempo la edificación pasará a ser propiedad del Ayuntamiento, salvo que haya una prorroga.
De este modo el ayuntamiento atiende a la pluralidad de confesiones religiosas, como ha ocurrido en esta ocasión con los Testigos de Jehová, que presentaron la petición de un terreno para edificar su templo en el mes de junio de 2006
BabelFish translation:
The City council yields a lot to the Witnesses of Jehovah for the construction of a temple
To support to the different groups and religious confessions from the municipality. This is the line of performance that has shown the team of government of Alhaurín of the Tower, that has shown to its support the demands of other religious congregations like the Catholic Church or the Evangelista Church. In this occasion, the Consistorio has taken care of the necessities of the Christian Witnesses of Jehovah with the cession of a land of 1,000 square meters of surface for the construction of a temple. The construction will be able to occupy a maximum of the 60 percent of the surface of the lot and the building will have a height of three plants. The land is a parcel of public equipment of municipal titularidad including in the partial plan of the urbanization Retamar II phase, is located in the Clipper street and its right of use to the religious community of Witnesses of Jehovah due to the evident social interest of the tried performance will be yielded, that implies a benefit for the neighbors in the religious and social scope. This cession will become by a period of 75 years, reason why passed east time the construction it will happen to be property of the City council, unless there is one prorogues. This way the city council takes care of the plurality of religious confessions, like has happened in this occasion with the Witnesses of Jehovah, who presented/displayed the request of a land to build their temple in the month of June of 2006