Hello everybody
It's my first topic. I'm one of the webmaster of http://www.viaveritas.fr a extheist website. We dare to hit watcthower's doctrines. (sorry it's not in english yet)
I would like to do a review about the creationist Awake of September 2006 as it exist on this website http://corior.blogspot.com/ about the misquotations in the Book Evolution or Creation
Who like to help me "to disbunked" this article ?
I like this quotation " to accept macro-evolution you have to accept that agnostic or atheist scientifics don't let their own belief influenced their interpretation of scientific datas "
It's a boomerang quotation " to accept creation you have to accept tha creationist don't let their own belief doing the same"
Helpers for that ? Thank you