Debate With JW Elder on Organization

by stevieb1 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • stevieb1

    Further to my previous postings on this debate, I hereby post the elders next comments for your analysis:


    "Daniel &:21,25,27 refers to the warring against and the harrassing of the "holy ones" who were to receive the Kingdom. In 11:32-35 these are described as "the people who are knowing their God", prevailing, acting effectively, having insight, imparting understanding to many, and made to stumble during a period of refinement. In chap.12 (unmistakably applying to the last days) they are ferred to as "your (ie Daniel's) people" (cf Paul's analogy of a spiritual Israel, Gal.6), "holy ones" (vs.7), those who are cleansed and refined, having insight and understanding (vs.10) and both keeping in expectation and "arriving". It may be argued, of course, that nowhere in these passages are they spoken of as an organized association, but it should be observed that the overall picture is that of a people (like Israel) united in suffering, having shared insight, responding to the same refining process (the same is said of the 'great crowd' in Rev.7) and seeming to work together to impart insight to others.

    "The collective nature of the community of the latter-day holy ones seems to be emphasized more emphatically by Ezekiel in chaps 38,39. We are justified in claiming this passage for the last days by its use in the Armageddon scenario of Rev.19. The passage deals with the pre-Armageddon attack on the "regathered" Israel by the forces of Gog. The people of God (Israel in some sense) are described as "brought back....collected together out of many peoples" (vs.8), dwelling in security without wall, bars, or doors (vs.11), gathered together out of all nations (vs.12), "my people" (vs.14), "in my land" (vs.16), "inhabitants of the cities of Israel" (39:9). However one might wish to identify the "Israel" of the prophecy, the fact remains that the picture is that of a collective body "gathered together" in a real congregational sense. To suggest otherwise is to rob the imagery of all meaning."

    Do you feel in any way that the above comments support the idea that Jehovah is exclusively using the WTS in his dealings with manking today?

  • stevieb1

    Does anyone have any comments to make on his use of logic? He is trying to prove something, but it isn't that the WTS is Jehovah's Organization.

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