I wonder how the faces of the GB and the Pioneers will look like once they see this...... http://www.forananswer.org/Top_JW/Scholars%20and%20NWT.htm
The Scholors who have approved the NWT.....
by A-Team 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There is quite a list there A-Team, I will read a few of them in a moment. I will also make your link clickable
I can't create another topic, but the users name on YouTube is FullBag50. He says that the term 144,000 Is Literal. We know that the 144K is only mentioned 3 times in scripture as such, in Revelation, then he drops THIS bombshell on me. The book of Revelation, as is stated from the outset at 1:1, is a book of signs (therefore, not literal). If you take most of what is written in that book literally, you have a huge mess on your hands. Similarly, 'sons of Isreal' would mean God's specially chosen people, NOT natural born Jews.
Thanks A-team for the link, I think if strange now as we all have come to the conclusion that we have seen many misquotes from the org, we should have paid more attention to the quotes and when they use the little dots behind their quotes they are not telling the whole story, beware of ...... in their quotes.
Reefton Jack
Thanks for that link, fullofdoubtnow.
While a "pioneer", I used to carry around with me a photocopy of Alexander Thomson's remarks about the New World Translation.
These were liberally circulated amongst all the congregations in the district - although nobody seemed to know where the original had come from.
Anyway,Thomson was described on this photocopied document as being "Advisor to The Queen on biblical languages" (whatever that is supposed to mean - although the dubs took it to mean that he was The Final Word on matters Hebrew and Koine Greek!)
From viewing this Website,though, it comes as no surprise to learn that Alexander Thomson had no formal training in Hebrew or Koine Greek.
(Just like a certain other person whom we all know about).
It seems like Thomson's endorsement is yet another instance of many in the JW world where you just about need the Cat 992 Front-End Loader to clear all the Bull ###t away!
Jack. -
There are a fair number of scholars on that list who offer comments that tend to support the NWT rendering of John 1:1 just as much as oppose it. But the author of that webpage tries to shape or mitigate the scholars words in just as much a biased way as the WBTS is accused of.
I think the comment below sums up the equally biased attitude of the author:
"Dr. Danker is certainly a recognized scholar and he has been quoted accurately. It will be noted that his lukewarm comments about the NWT are with regard to the Old Testament. Few scholars have complained about the Watchtower inserting its dogma into the Hebrew Scriptures. Indeed, since the OT contains far fewer explicit Scriptures teaching the orthodox doctrines that the Watchtower denies - Christ's deity; the existence of the soul; and hellfire - it is not surprising that the NWT Hebrew Scriptures are relatively bias-free."
It's hard to respect the opinion of someone who says that the WBTS denies 'the existence of the soul', and who upholds the 'hellfire' doctrine.