I just read something from another post on here, and Im stumped. I dont know the JW response.-------The question is, what does the WT Society teach about children and babies who receive blood transfusions? Is it taught they will be judged adversely by God? Is there any watchtower articles that even hint that the child would be unworthy of salvation?-- Blondie and anyone else know where to find this answer?
A blood question??
by Junction-Guy 6 Replies latest jw friends
Im hoping this topic doesnt get lost in the shuffle, so Im BTTT before I get ready for bed. Goodnight all.
Im surprised no one has even replied on this thread. this is a question I would like answered.
As a little girl I remember the sister who gave my mom studies saying that when Armegedon comes the babies from unbelievers will perish as well because most likely the child will end up being an unbeliever like the parents. I don't have any actual publishings supporting this statement or that of the blood...sorry.
Thanks Confusa, even if you dont know the answer, at least you brought this topic to the top of the list, maybe someone will chime in here eventually.
The question is, what does the WT Society teach about children and babies who receive blood transfusions? Is it taught they will be judged adversely by God?
Adverse judgement was the idea expressed in both the 1961 booklet, Blood, Medicine and the Law Of God and The Watchtower of the same year. In fact, it was strongly intimated that if a baby recieved blood and died, it would not be resurrected at all. (I can get the references if anyone is interested.)
They've never said anything that harsh since then. (They haven't said much of anything on the subject since then.) I think most JW's today would even find those statements repellant.
Children are judged on the merit of their parents.
It's a parent's obligation to fight a blood transfusion to remain in good spiritual standing. If a parent allows a transfusion then God will kill the parent and child at Armageddon. If a transfusion is given without parental consent, both are fine.