point just made on tv, re blood issue help needed

by orbison11 5 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • orbison11

    greetings all

    comment just made on tv by 'the organization' that there are 22,000 jw's in b.c.(late night global tv news)

    and that blood issues, etc are not creating a decline, rather they have 500 joining every year

    now here is my point,,how many leave b.c. per year,,,,say 700 leaave, that would make a deficit of 200

    any here have any b.c. numbers?

    thanks orb

  • kwintestal

    They don't publish numbers by region, only nationally so unless there's someone with the scoop in bethel you'll be hard pressed to get them.

    Might I suggest though that the increase ( 500 people for 22,000 members or 2.2%) could be attributed to some extent by the natural birth rate which is about 0.3% in Canada it brings the increase to under 2%. Not a good increase if you look at it from a business point-of-view.


  • kwintestal

    On another point ... I'd just take the national figures and divide them by the % of JW's in BC to get semi-OK figures for BC.


  • truthseeker

    Jehovah's Witnesses in Canada

    Year Peak Pubs Avg. pubs +/- Ave. prev Baptised Congs

    1997 113,763 109,880 0 110,235 3,671 1,388

    1998 113,136 109,664 0 109,880 2,986 1,383

    1999 111,032 108,437 -1 109,664 2,467 1,384

    2000 111,173 107,742 -1 108,437 2,316 1,362

    2001 110,818 107,218 0 107,742 2,030 1,343

    2002 110,814 108,217 1 107,218 2,144 1,340

    2003 111,781 108,409 0 108,217 2,255 1,332

    2004 110,221 108,012 0 108,409 2,210 1,325

    2005 109,604 107,534 0 108,012 2,028 1,318

    2006 110,298 107,618 0 107,534 1,982 1,325


    Between 1997 and 2006 24,089 people were baptized. This is roughly 2,408 a year.

    2006 saw baptisms fall under 2,000 for the first time.

    To detemrine growth, note how JW's in Canada had a 1997 peak of 113,763 publishers.

    The 2006 peak was only 110,298 publishers.

    There is a net loss of 3,465 publishers but that does not take into account those baptised.

    A grand total net loss, inc. baptisms = 3,465 + 24,089 baptisms = 27,554 missing JW's.

    1997 113,763 109,880 0 110,235 3,671 1,388

    2006 110,298 107,618 0 107,534 1,982 1,325

    The number of congregations in Canada during 1997 was 1,388.

    In 2006, the number of congregations declined 4.5 % resulting in a decrease of 63.

  • kwintestal

    OK, so using the stats that truthseeker provided ... if there's 22,000 JW's in BC, that represents about 20.44% of the JW's in Canada. If you look at the growth in Canada from 2005 to 2006 (using the average JW's figure) you have a total increase of 84 JWs, Canada wide. 20.44% of that would be a growth of 17 JW's in BC. If you go by the number baptised in Canada, in BC there would have been 405 JW's baptised in 2006.

    Crappy numbers I'd say!


  • Kenneson

    You will also want to consider the following article at


    At the end of the article you will find this point: "For example, in the 2001 census the Jehovah's Witnesses are showing a loss of 8.1. percent..."

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