Canada JW stats 1997-2006

by truthseeker 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Canada is in the news quite a bit so I thought it would be interesting to show some JW stats for Canada.

    Jehovah's Witnesses in Canada

    Year Peak Pubs Avg. pubs +/- Ave. prev Baptised Congs

    1997 113,763 109,880 0 110,235 3,671 1,388

    1998 113,136 109,664 0 109,880 2,986 1,383

    1999 111,032 108,437 -1 109,664 2,467 1,384

    2000 111,173 107,742 -1 108,437 2,316 1,362

    2001 110,818 107,218 0 107,742 2,030 1,343

    2002 110,814 108,217 1 107,218 2,144 1,340

    2003 111,781 108,409 0 108,217 2,255 1,332

    2004 110,221 108,012 0 108,409 2,210 1,325

    2005 109,604 107,534 0 108,012 2,028 1,318

    2006 110,298 107,618 0 107,534 1,982 1,325


    Between 1997 and 2006 24,089 people were baptized. This is roughly 2,408 a year.

    2006 saw baptisms fall under 2,000 for the first time.

    To detemrine growth, note how JW's in Canada had a 1997 peak of 113,763 publishers.

    The 2006 peak was only 110,298 publishers.

    There is a net loss of 3,465 publishers but that does not take into account those baptised.

    A grand total net loss, inc. baptisms = 3,465 + 24,089 baptisms = 27,554 missing JW's.

    1997 113,763 109,880 0 110,235 3,671 1,388

    2006 110,298 107,618 0 107,534 1,982 1,325

    The number of congregations in Canada during 1997 was 1,388.

    In 2006, the number of congregations declined 4.5 % resulting in a decrease of 63.

  • Ticker

    Nice to see their numbers trending down. Hopefully more people inside wake up, especially with the recent sextuplet blood fiascal. Sooner or later you would think something will come to a head with this organization and it has to either make radical change or grow paranoid and implode.


  • Amazing


    You also need to factor in death rate, which has been just slightly under 1% per year in the western world for over 100-years. At least 10,000 Candaian JWs have died during your ten year study (at a rate of 1,000 per year). This leaves about 17,000 DF'd / DA'd or who faded away. About 1,700, at a rate of 170 per your of these ex-JWs have also died. Death rate accounts for all causes combined, whether natural disaster, accident, murder, age, or disease.

    Jim Whitney

  • Perry

    Thanks for that proof that the end is near in Canada..... for it looks like that the preaching work is all but over with.

    Of course in developing countries that don't have the internet yet, there is a heathy increase.... proof that Jehovah is speeding it up in His own time and though it appears to be slow in coming, it will not be late.

    In still other countries that show neither loss nor gain, it is proof of the lukewarmness Jesus warned about for the last days.

    Countries under ban prove our discipleship because we are "hated" because we are no part of the world. Never mind that we're hated for being disobedient to Ceasar...God's minister, and for our destroyed families, extreme arrogance and self-righteousness, and being a general pain in the neck. The fact is we're hated and that alone guarantees our salvation.

    And countries we don't even fool with like China shows the bloodguilt the regular people have upon themselves for even allowing such a government. Since there is no need in wasting time there the end must be near since we're everywhere else, right? Of course, clear as mud.

    Yes friends, the rerports coming in from countries all around the world prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the the "rains" of Armagedon are now imminent. And, The Door of the Ark (WT) is almost closed. Then, we will weather the coming storm and float to safety atop the greatest corporation and printing entity the planet has ever known... The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York. Oh yeah, and Jesus too.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    The losses to the Jehovah’s Witness community are significantly higher than you have calculated for the Canadian branch.

    When you apply a statistical annual birth rate of 20 births per 1000 (total population*) the Canadian statistics should have realized approximately 4,500 in new publishers each year. But this did not happen. Assuming all those baptized were children of the JW community, after accounting for mortality, the loss is more like 38,000. If we assume some baptized were not children of the JW community, then the losses increase for every person baptized that came from outside the JW community.

    Assuming about 50 percent baptized came from outside the JW community, then the loss over the period in question is close to 50,000.

    Marvin Shilmer

    * Total population includes everyone in the JW community. According to an article by Watchtower attorney Carolyn Wah, this population is about 229 percent of the average publisher count and it includes infants, etc. Wah terms publishers as “members” and non-publishers in the JW community as “adherents”.

  • avidbiblereader

    I guess they don't quote Is 60:22 anymore in Canada

    22 The little one himself will become a thousand, and the small one a mighty nation. I myself, Jehovah, shall speed it up in its own time.”


  • uninformed

    Year Peak Pubs Avg. pubs +/- Ave. prev Baptised Congs

    1997 113,763 109,880 0 110,235 3,671 1,388

    1998 113,136 109,664 0 109,880 2,986 1,383

    1999 111,032 108,437 -1 109,664 2,467 1,384

    2000 111,173 107,742 -1 108,437 2,316 1,362

    2001 110,818 107,218 0 107,742 2,030 1,343

    2002 110,814 108,217 1 107,218 2,144 1,340

    2003 111,781 108,409 0 108,217 2,255 1,332

    2004 110,221 108,012 0 108,409 2,210 1,325

    2005 109,604 107,534 0 108,012 2,028 1,318

    2006 110,298 107,618 0 107,534 1,982 1,325


    Between 1997 and 2006 24,089 people were baptized. This is roughly 2,408 a year.

    2006 saw baptisms fall under 2,000 for the first time.

    To detemrine growth, note how JW's in Canada had a 1997 peak of 113,763 publishers.

    The 2006 peak was only 110,298 publishers.

    There is a net loss of 3,465 publishers but that does not take into account those baptised.

    A grand total net loss, inc. baptisms = 3,465 + 24,089 baptisms = 27,554 missing JW's.

    1997 113,763 109,880 0 110,235 3,671 1,388

    2006 110,298 107,618 0 107,534 1,982 1,325

    The number of congregations in Canada during 1997 was 1,388.

    In 2006, the number of congregations declined 4.5 % resulting in a decrease of 63.

    NOTE: you are showing a net loss in the 8 years under discussion of 27,554 JW's. I don't know what the death rate would be, but the NET loss for those 8 years would be about 25%!! That is a stunningly large number. Especially when the WT figures just 2% or so. Very interesting chart. Thanks


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